Texas Is Soo Fucking Archaic


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys and gals,

i was reading some online news sites and found that texas passed over 1500 laws to be enacted as of today...

i went over some of the laws and they are plain out stupid!:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

they spend motherfucking time voting on whether or not you can catch a fucking catfish with your hands rather then pass a medical marihuana bill to help out cancer patients and the like... that is soo fucking frustrating!

just thought i would vent a lil, since quite a few are "venting" now!

any thoughts


Active Member
yea i read that too hahahahhaaha
seems alil pointless to me that they had to vote if ppl can catch fish with their hands
and shoot hogs from a chopper
but can't get together and solve the shortage of water and power problem the whole state is having


Well-Known Member
you forgot that it is now a misdemeanor offense for 'teens sexting'. it starts with a fine, and multiple offenses leads to juvi....


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys and gals,

i was reading some online news sites and found that texas passed over 1500 laws to be enacted as of today...

i went over some of the laws and they are plain out stupid!:sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

they spend motherfucking time voting on whether or not you can catch a fucking catfish with your hands rather then pass a medical marihuana bill to help out cancer patients and the like... that is soo fucking frustrating!

just thought i would vent a lil, since quite a few are "venting" now!

any thoughts

Welcome to government politics my friends they have to look busy so people don't bitch.

most people don't sit down and read laws so to the average Joe it looks like they are making serious decisions in there.


Well-Known Member
yea, its pretty fucking stupid that these assholes do this shit...

one thing i hate a lot is that on the rick parry website, he is urging texans to not burn anything, as wildfires are hard to control... what a fucking asshole hypocrite!

Funny thing today was i got out of going to jail for carrying my handgun with me by telling the state trooper that pulled me over, i new law passed stating that we can have our guns and ammo with us on campus and workplace grounds...

I hate the system and this government! on another thread i got into it with others talking shit about america, but as these things come to light, i find that this country is going to shit.. everything you do the gov wants in on or already is in on it... they got racquets going on everywhere, its stupid.

Welcome to government politics my friends they have to look busy so people don't bitch.

most people don't sit down and read laws so to the average Joe it looks like they are making serious decisions in there.