Test run: Hawaiian Snow Scrog / Fruit Auto


Well-Known Member
Starting up a late journal on test run through a completely new system. The plan is to run 2 waterfarms side by side in scrog in a 4'x4' tent. Light is from a 600watt hps from veg to harvest, in a cool tube, with a 770cfm blower venting out of room. Oscillating fan, blower, and air pumps on 24/7. Waterfarm is drilled and supplemented by an air stone. Nutrients being used started with 3 part GH at the Lucas formula, now running Iconic Bloom (Was planning on switching to Flora Nova bloom at Lucas formula, but the Iconic I accidentally bought has the plant looking so much healthier than the GH nutrients). Ph sits at 5.5-6. This is my first time working with HIDs, hydroponics, rockwool, and quality strains.

I hastily started some White Rhino in the rockwool, only to find out that rockwool isn't quite as idiot proof as soil. I ended up trying some freebee seeds until I could a method down, and got some Fruit Auto to sprout. Getting comfortable with rockwool, I decided to start off with some Hawiian snow. Unfortunately the only photo I have of the Fruit Auto before harvest is of it being stressed to hell after overwatering it in rockwool.

It ended up flowering very early (more so than I was expecting) and only reached a foot high. Still gave a great harvest for its size, 40g dry.

The Hawiian snow stuck to the plan, and I started weaving improperly.

Scrap chicken fence seemed like enough for a test run, I'll work on something more solid on the next run. After discovering my mistake, I fixed it. Here's the plant all stressed out after clipping the fence out.

It recovered well. I decided to remove the wire and run the rest of the grow as a bush, as the chicken fence restricted upward growth too much, and the plant had begun to span the entire 4x4 space within the tent. Here she is a few hours ago, day 13 of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Small update. The plants sucking up so much water, I need to add about a gallon a day. Each plant was supposed to fill a 2'x4' space, and this plant has grown to take up the entire 4x4 space, something I did not plan on. I'll definitely be starting the SCROG earlier in the next run. I tied the plant down in two places that jumped right up to the light... while one side of the plant looks almost like a dead spot, hopefully a little more training can get things to even out. I'm not sure how much more I can expect it to stretch, any ideas? Today is day 15 of 12/12. I also removed some of the dead leafs under the canopy... It's pretty messy down there. I hear most people remove a lot of the lower down stuff about 3 weeks in to flowering. I'm not sure how I'll approach it yet, it certainly isn't lacking air flow with the 770CFM Blower, though my fan has died.



Well-Known Member
Got my hands on a better camera, so more pictures.

I think I'll leave the flash on next time. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's really impressive for only 2 plants! I'm glad I stopped by and took a look...i'll be watching from here on out! Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's really impressive for only 2 plants! I'm glad I stopped by and took a look...i'll be watching from here on out! Happy growing
It's actually just one plant in there, the first was harvested before I started the journal. She's a tree, really hard to keep up with now. I've run out of vertical space in the box now, but I believe she is done stretching. I had some huge issues with the ph spiking, and with how hot is has been, the plant took a hit. Looks like Zinc deficiency too. Flushing the system is incredibly hard, but everything should be normal now. Hard to judge how much I'll get out of it, I'll have some new photos up soon.
beautiful looking sativa!
Thank you!