Tending to and cloning from your mother


I have a mother plant I have been growing for about 2 months now and I'm ready to start cloning, I'm pretty sure I know the right branch to snip and sorta the proper procedures to making clones, but how often can I take cuttings from my mother? will she regrow the same ones or need to get taller in order to get new cuttings? could I just do it until she had no cloning branches left?


Well-Known Member
You can keep taking cuttings from her as long as she is alive. New clone candidates will grow.... they always do....


Active Member
i took a father for breeding. our friends were growing it in hydro, it was about three feet tall. in our old limited space, this was too big. not only did we chop the dude in half, but we abruptly switched him from hydro to soil. not that you should treat your mother this way, but that plant is still alive after five months in soil. they grow back, quickly.