ten days into flowering........


Active Member
hi , first time grower here so need a help from some of you experts.

firstly i have 4 plants (durban poison) all from which were planted from seed (which i doubt were feminized so there is a high chance of males. ) they are under a 400w hps with a fan circulating the air around the plants.

They have been on 12 and 12 for 10 days now and was just wondering when and how i will be able to tell the females and males apart.

One is about 15" tall and the rest are all around 10". I veged them for around 5weeks and decided it was now time to flower as i heard they double in size by the time they have flowered completely, and another reason being i dont have a huge amount of space.

I will post pics shortly need to get better camera as the one on my sony ericcson w810 is poor quality.

thanks any help is appreciated


Elite Rolling Society
Takes about 11 to 14 days to se pre-flowers.

I am adding another pic to the collection.Male Female pics

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]hermaphrodite[/FONT]


Start of male:



Male preflowers :



Well-Known Member
don't worry aboves pics are perfect. + reps for helping him. its good when someone will take time. i was going to post pic any ways. heres a male about 20 days in. its an auto strain but you get the idea. you will have a few days and will know. here is 1 pic i took an hour ago. clearly a male. good luck


Elite Rolling Society
I remember when I could not grow an onion inside.

Old timers like FDD2BLK, Mogie, Al B Fuct, Potroast, were kind enough to offer me advise. Now I try to "pay it forward" and help others. I check the UNANSWERED POSTS everyday, but I seldom offer SOIL advise or advise on anythign I am not sure about.
Here is my thread where I give the most help and advise:

Pics of Pot I imagine I've helped hundreds of newbies figure it out here.



Well-Known Member
same here man. if you ask questions you gotts answer the ones you know. seeya. couple of them helped me to. but i've grown many times but never had my own laptop. didn't really want to be uploading pics on moms computer. YAH I LIVE AT HOME AND AM 26. the housing market has collapsed and i'mlooking for a house right now for cheap so no rent for me once i move. only 200 a month at home. now you know my life. good luck and i'm an insomniac so i'm on here 24/7. write me anytime.


Well-Known Member
Roseman, I see you consistently giving good helpful advice. I try to rep you anytime you get back in the rotation. Nobody needs rep, but having a high reputation will give posters the confidence to take your advice. +rep


Elite Rolling Society
Roseman, I see you consistently giving good helpful advice. I try to rep you anytime you get back in the rotation. Nobody needs rep, but having a high reputation will give posters the confidence to take your advice. +rep
Aeroking, I 've seen some of your posts, and you are a great contributor here too. + REP back at ya,

I guess we are "paying it forward".

Peace, bro