Temps slow me down!


Well-Known Member
Help me decide what to do. With temps dropping a bit, things have slowed down a little.
My plan was to harvest on the 15th December but the buds need at least another week or two. Most of the large fan leaves have yellowed and fallen off. Im 9 days into a 14 day Canna flush. Been using Hammerhead (0-9-18) and Overdrive (1-5-4) during flowering, in soil under 250w CFL.
I cant work out what to do now Im going the extra 1-2 weeks. Is it best just to use plain water until the buds look fuller, or given the fact the plant is flushed and looks a bit yellow should I give her a shot of Overdrive then do another small flush before harvest???


Well-Known Member
Go buy some unsulphured molassas and mix up 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. It helps to heat up 1 or 2 cups of the water and mix the molassas in there as the hot water helps mix up the thick molassas. Then just pour it back into the gallon jug of water and shake it up good. Make sure your PH is correct and water them with that. Molassas will not hurt anything and can be used up until your last watering.


Well-Known Member
Go buy some unsulphured molassas and mix up 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. It helps to heat up 1 or 2 cups of the water and mix the molassas in there as the hot water helps mix up the thick molassas. Then just pour it back into the gallon jug of water and shake it up good. Make sure your PH is correct and water them with that. Molassas will not hurt anything and can be used up until your last watering.
When people use molasses, do they mix it with any nutes or additives? Or just molasses in water?


Well-Known Member
You can feed molassas throughout the grow and with or without nutes. What I do is feed molassas during one of my water only feeds. It reminds me to not keep pumping nutes into my plants.


Well-Known Member
You can feed molassas throughout the grow and with or without nutes. What I do is feed molassas during one of my water only feeds. It reminds me to not keep pumping nutes into my plants.
Definately no nutes then, just as well i asked. Since christmas is close and moneys tight could I substitute molasses with brown sugar, I've heard it can be used but its not something I've tried. What would the ratios be if i were to use brown sugar.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of using brown sugar
A bottle of Grandma's molasses is under 5 dollars at the grocery store
You can't spare 5 bucks for your plants?


Well-Known Member
Never heard of using brown sugar
A bottle of Grandma's molasses is under 5 dollars at the grocery store
You can't spare 5 bucks for your plants?
I heard about it on this here site, check out 'molasses or brown sugar?'
Sounds like bull, thats why I asked.
Not sure I can get mollasses at tesco, I'l have a look.