temperture facts

ive heard that after 80 degree F the plants wont grow as the release water as fast as they take it in, is this true or is 80-81 fine.my temp is usALLY 78-79,RARLY 80


Well-Known Member
not true, mine is typically 80-84, it's very difficult for me to keep them down yet i still have great growth.
if you add co2 temps 84+ are needed


Well-Known Member
water is absorbed primarily in the roots, so the rate the plant is able to absorb it at is determined by the root structure and size of the stems. You're on the right track though with temps dehydrating a plant that doesn't have an adequate infrastructure to replenish water fast enough. The leaves droop to try to shade parts of themselves to prevent increased water transpiration.


Well-Known Member
My plants grow in a cab that averages 85F lights on and are growing great, but probably would do a tad better in the mid 70's.


Well-Known Member
water is absorbed primarily in the roots, so the rate the plant is able to absorb it at is determined by the root structure and size of the stems. You're on the right track though with temps dehydrating a plant that doesn't have an adequate infrastructure to replenish water fast enough. The leaves droop to try to shade parts of themselves to prevent increased water transpiration.
great explanation + rep