Temperature Control


Active Member
I'm fixing to start building my first grow room...my biggest concern right now is temperature...Where I'm putting it does not have central heat and air...Summers are going to be 100+ and winters below 40F... Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can cheaply maintain a healthy temperature...ex. space heater, something along those lines...Thanks


Well-Known Member
we will need much more info on the size of space you are using and the type of lights you are planning on having in their before anyone can answer a question like that.


Active Member
The space size will be approximately 7 feet wide by 5 feet long by 6.5 feet tall, I was planning on using at least 400w florescent lights. It's in an attic. Also any suggestions on eliminating the odor...these are my two biggest concerns, temp control and no odor or at least no odor in the living space below.


Well-Known Member
to start off with...you need to enclose the area you are going to grow only then can you begin to realisticly control temp and smell...if you try to use the whole attic space you are going to be fighting temp fluctuations all the time and its almost impossible to keep the smell from drifting....


Active Member
As of right now, I'm planning on enclosing the area and making a big box and caulking and sealing it up then putting two bathroom exhaust fans above the lights in the flowering room and putting 2-4 vornado fans on the floor and pointing them up and putting down carbon filters outside the box below the insulation to force any drifting odors to seep through carbon?? thats my plan right now for the smell issue. Does that sound ok??

The temp control right now I guess I'll get a thermometer and use space heaters in the winter and air coolers in the summer and just keep a close eye on it...

let me know what ya'll think about this plan if i may need to modify in any way..

:joint:PRECIATE IT!!


Well-Known Member
As of right now, I'm planning on enclosing the area and making a big box and caulking and sealing it up then putting two bathroom exhaust fans above the lights in the flowering room and putting 2-4 vornado fans on the floor and pointing them up and putting down carbon filters outside the box below the insulation to force any drifting odors to seep through carbon?? thats my plan right now for the smell issue. Does that sound ok??

The temp control right now I guess I'll get a thermometer and use space heaters in the winter and air coolers in the summer and just keep a close eye on it...

let me know what ya'll think about this plan if i may need to modify in any way..

:joint:PRECIATE IT!!
look into the faq for the diy carbon scrubber....then check the faq for ventilation tips....incorparate the 2 and and you sould bee good on smell..you basically want to set it up so that you are forcing the stall air out of the box and through the carbon filter ......


Active Member
i found it, but the photos were gone and hard to follow like dude said... I talked to a friend who has grown before (never using carbon filters) and he said there is no way possible to keep this from my wife, she'll 100% for sure smell it when they're flowering...I've kinda mentioned growing to her a couple of times and got a very heavy "no"...so I would prefer to keep it from her if at all possible...You think it's possible or even probable...I really trust everything this guy told me, but like I said he's never had any experience with carbon filters...so I kind of want some other opinions.


Well-Known Member
the diy carbon scrubber is basically a cone air filter like so..
...packed with activated charcoal from your local pet store......place a stocking over the hole and attach to the end of your exaust vent after the fan or blower....and yes with some hard work..proper planing and research you can control the smell.....you have to start with making sure that your box is light and air proof...then you use fans and blowers to direct the air in and out of your box and blow where you want it to.....


Active Member
think about that one bro... if the wife finds out she wont be happy... dog house for sure.... lol im all about the garden.. but so is my wife... u know what i mean?


Well-Known Member
once you get the exhaust mounted to the carbon filter especially if you are ducting through the top of your space your temp issues will drastically decrease. Pulling all that warm air out and filtering in fresh cool air will ensure that your room stays at a modest temp. What size lights are you planning on using? Also I remember something about you doing this in an attic. If you have some way to get an active intake of fresh air through a window or hole in the wall somewhere all that extra co2 from the great outdoors will really increase your yield and speed things up a bit.