Temperature and odor issues for vegging room

Hello everyone, first time visiting your forum. Found so much information from reviewing past discussions but still had a few questions of my own

I already have a perfect flowering room yet unfortunately located an hour away from where I live that will only get visited twice a week. I really want to keep a watchful eye over the complete vegging cycle so I have decided to enlist the help of an easily managable and discrete grow hut similiar to this one placed in my apartment bedroom transfering over every 50-55 days

My first question is about temperature: without installing ducting for concealment purposes, would simply a fan pulling cool air from the apartment into the room suffice? Would this even work? I will only have to fight the heat of an 8 tube fluorescent fixture supporting 10 clones 5 mothers. Link is of a similiar light.

Second question is about odor control: I will be vegging out some serious new and tasty Greenhouse Seed Company strains in my apartment, yet it is from previous experience that really vegging doesn't produce an 'odor' just fresh plant smell that can be fixed by simple means. Is this correct to assume?

Lastly if you see any future problems one would encounter when doing a discrete stealth vegetative grow in an apartment please state them. I think I could resolve these based on do as you go but I don't want to walk into potential temperature and odor issues blind faith. Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
it all depends on the strain some strains reek in the veg just like they are flowering i have the same light but only in 4 bulbs instead produces almost no heat so if your aprt temps are kept in control you should be ok for ventialtion u only need an exhaust idk a duct boaster might work or just a small inline fan will do great most plants dont smell to bad during the veg but there are exeptions
Thanks man. Wasn't sure what temperatures to expect inside the tent without major ventilation or fans. Thanks again

My first attempt at a full indoor cycle unfortunately was ruined my first time around due to unforseen circumstances so I vegged outside with no problems and flowered indoors. This time around i want complete control. You have any clue on the odor for vegging the Greenhouse strains I mentioned? The area I'm in causes little concern with smell detection. Dont want that!

Ohhh and for clarification, I wasn't sure what you meant for duct boasting so I looked it up and found this http://www.hvacquick.com/howto_booster_fans.php
is that similiar to what you speak of? This would be used for exhaust purposes I take it? appreciate all the help.


Well-Known Member
yea those cheap lookin one ones are the duct booaster and they dont move very much are the one on the right is inline fan it somewhat depends on your budget u can get an ozone generator that will kill all the smell conpletey for the veg but probably not all of flowering i say a carbon scrubber is needed for flower which is a carbon filter attached to a high cfm inline fan but all these are dependent on budget since all 3 of those are not cheap u could try craigslist


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't need any inline fans, Just get some normal fans and have them blowing out of the exhaust and one into the intake. Should keep things more than cool enough.

With smell I just suggest getting a standard plug in smell remover oust or something, should cover it up enough.

Ozone generators are more extreme than a carbon filter i thought?

Either way you shouldn't need them.