tempatures, 88lights on 78 lights off, need help!! asap

kush plant

Active Member
well i build i stealth case, and i have two intake fans and one outtake, when i added the extra intake temps went from 91 to 88, how can i lower the temps even lower, my house temp is at 77. im running a 250w cfl. but i need some advide very soon, been fucking with the box for 2 days now trying to lower it.... please help!


Well-Known Member
have tried swopping it around an having two out take fans?

if so get bigger fan or get bigger isolation fan

kush plant

Active Member
yup when i had two outtake it stayed at 91, and the box is only 22.5inchs high 7.5 width and like 14.5 deep.im already bout 140$ into it ontop of seed cost, running low on money now. any thought? how bad will the plants do at 88 with plenty air flow?

kush plant

Active Member
i have 2 intakes on bottom and one outtake on top, i managed to get temp to 86 with 44% humidity. lights off is 77 and 45%


Active Member
Can you build a bigger box? I don't run cfls but assume that bigger 250 is putting off more heat, more smaller lights might have been a better option. Anyway you can post some pictures?

kush plant

Active Member
i have a bigger box tht stays at like 78 degrees, but its to noticable, this one is very stealth no1 would ever know it was there. i tried putting 6 13w cfls on y connectors in but same temp, stuck at 86. i just have sum bubblegummer fem seeds and a afgan lowryder auto coming and im trying to get it perfect. ill post a picture hold on


Well-Known Member
Sorry but in box that size I wouldn't even bother trying to grow any cannabis plant it's way to small. I'd smoke what u get of that in one evening.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to flip out about 88 ain't that bad, think about where weed is grown.....Afghanistan, Thailand.... These places get hotttt. I ran for almost two and a half months at those temps.


Well-Known Member
i know i am new ........i order this off a guy on ebay it is one of the better set ups ..........let me show u so u can get ideas and copy IMG_20130516_213444.jpgIMG_20130516_213502.jpgIMG_20130516_213519.jpgIMG_20130516_213527.jpgIMG_20130516_213554.jpgIMG_20130516_213559.jpgIMG_20130516_213643.jpgIMG_20130516_214306.jpgIMG_20130516_214315.jpg

i have 2 little buddies going in 2 gal air pots

the design is inner dia 14x11x35........as u see a lower 80mm fan going and a 80 mm exhust on the back is a carbon mat the mat is attaced to one of those fixtures from homedepot (could be a fan could be a power box nail box) but he made the hole and had that bigger then the hole put it on and then gave it a few good coats of paint to make sure seal and then used one of those centeral vacum faceplate to hole the pad to the outer part .....it does restrict the flow i took my intake off but it on covered the light very well ........my temps are running 10 more then the outer air .....cfl outlet to socket .......from the outside u see only one cord and the wall outlet u put in the timer

if u got any ?s i will answer them


Well-Known Member
The temps are not that bad they aren't ideal but if you keep the air flowing in and out and have a oscating fan to circulate you should be ok


Active Member
yup when i had two outtake it stayed at 91, and the box is only 22.5inchs high 7.5 width and like 14.5 deep.im already bout 140$ into it ontop of seed cost, running low on money now. any thought? how bad will the plants do at 88 with plenty air flow?

The probem my friend ,Is your width it is to narrow for proper air flow, I dont expect you to understand this ,but this is your problem 100% sure.


Well-Known Member
you might not be getting a accurate temp if your thermometer is in the light, light is a measure of heat so naturally the higher the output the higher the temp try covering your probe and then get a reading other then that the next step up would be some decent pc fans or a 4" duct inline you could get a splitter and cool both boxes with one fan i just bought a 6" hydrofam 410cfm off ebay for 70 shipped my temps were around 90 with a few 125w cfls since i got the inline iv put a hps and more cfls in and im around 80

they are loud as fuck so you will need a speed controller but with a area that small you could move it so its almost not even on

kush plant

Active Member
alright for all you haters, i installed an air condioner in the room, 77degrees light on with 250wats of cfl, 44% humidity. i have a foot width. but if people can grow bud in a cpu cse then im golden..... its about 2 or 3... but ill start a grow log and ill show u im fine. i feel really good bout the stealth box.. temps n humidity are now perfect. ive grow in smaller and had atleast 14gs dry a plant in the past, growing with out a thermo. but if anyone has faith plz sub :P