Temp / humidity problem


Well-Known Member
Can someone advise me , my temp is sitting at 30 degree's ( a little high ) and my humidity is 55 % ( okay ) ...but anytime I turn the fan on and the carbon filter the humidity shoots up to an alarming 70% and temp rises a little too ....how can I combat this please . Again I'm a total novice to this . My plants will be 4 weeks old come Monday . My lights only at 60 % power on both as I'm at 18 inch trying to stretch them now . Cheers.



Well-Known Member
Can someone advise me , my temp is sitting at 30 degree's ( a little high ) and my humidity is 55 % ( okay ) ...but anytime I turn the fan on and the carbon filter the humidity shoots up to an alarming 70% and temp rises a little too ....how can I combat this please . Again I'm a total novice to this . My plants will be 4 weeks old come Monday . My lights only at 60 % power on both as I'm at 18 inch trying to stretch them now . Cheers.
Where does your intake air come from and what is it's RH? If you're pulling moist air into the tent then your RH is going to be at least as high as that but should go higher as the plants transpire more moisture into the air.

That's the only way I can see this happening. Are you using a dehumidifier in the tent?

30C and 70% would be alarming for plants in late flower but for vegging plants sounds ideal to me and I've been growing since '78.

They look very happy to me so smoke a bowl and go tell them you love them. Hanging out with your plants adds lots of CO2 which they will love.

New guy jitters is all it is. We've all been there but like us oldtimerz you'll get over it after a few good grows.

Go to PDFdrive.com and search for 'cannabis' Tons of great grow info there. Grow bibles galore in 2 or 3 formats each so you can read on pretty much anything. I got most of them. :)



Well-Known Member
unusual for humidity to go up when turning on an exhaust fan. My room is sitting at 60% atm, and with the exhaust off the tent will get to 90% pretty quickly (I found out when it unplugged itself the other arvo). Once I turn on the exhaust fan the humidity reading will stabilize with my bedroom with a minute or so and read a little lower due to the accelerated movement inside the tent. There's something up if temps and humidity go up when running the exhaust.

30c isn't too bad with LEDs, and I've had to settle in higher temps. In my experience I start to get elongation around a consistent 34c and excess praying/heat stress symptoms around 36c. Haven't had too many issues around 30-32c though if I keep air circulation on point and humidity in check.

As OldMed stated, they look fine now so there's no point chasing your tail (will usually cause more issues). Just try keep it below 32-34c if you can as a general emergency upper limit.

Grow Monster

Well-Known Member
I think your gd for veg. During bloom once light is at max u might have an issue then. U got a couple of solutions. A) use dehumidifier b) open up vents to tent or just leave tent open or c) figure out proper air exchange/circulation. This guy GT explains it pretty well.
Sometimes its simple as where u place exhaust and other times it's direction u place fans. U can actually make hot spots by adding more fans if they not working together. Hope it helps. They look gd so dont stress it. I got 1 tent that stays in mid 80's fahrenheit and 60%rh. throughout bloom with no issues.
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Well-Known Member
They look gd so dont stress it. I got 1 tent that stays in mid 80's fahrenheit and 60%rh. throughout bloom with no issues.
Yeah, but he's in veg and his humidity goes from 55% to 70% when he turns his extractor on. When he's in flower, it will go far higher than 70% if he doesn't fix it before going into flower.

The only two scenarios are (a) he hooked his extractor fan up backwards and it's sucking in air from outside or, (b) his intake slots are being brought in from somewhere humid, such as a duct connected outdoors for fresh air.