Tell me a story...... a real good story......


Well-Known Member
so here i am, sitting on the couch. another typical weekend. done a few chores and taken out the
trash. i have been chillin' for awhile and letting my life mellows out.
then comes the knock on the door.
"fdd my friend!!"
it's big pete. haven't seen him in........... well that long i guess.
so i say my hello's and how ya been's. then comes the hook.
"wanna go for a ride?' big pete asks.
i know better.
"sure, let's get outta here.
i'm headed for trouble.
we're in the truck. it's huge of course. need a boost to get in. now rollin' down the road and pete
points to the glove box. of course i know. it's full. doobies. big pete, big doobies. we smoke a
few. the hours drift by. it's night i forget. wait, pete, where are we? then we stop.
dawn rises. the view is spectacular. purple mountains....i always wondered about that line, until i
saw them. then comes the craft.
it was quite plain and unnoticable at first. sort of dull. smooth. edgeless. not the typical craft one
would expect from a space traveller. but then again big pete is on the outside of the box. if it
weren't for the huge truck you would never really notice the guy.
so we load up a few things. samples i guess. collections of different forms of life. they always
seem to have this need to collect. most of the samples either get put on a shelf or eaten anyway.
so we head out. past the moon. planets. that moon that used to be a planet. we are out !! the
view here is amazing. it's so empty yet the vast amount of life is beyond fathoming. i know of
100's of other civilizations and i have only been on a few travels. we are less then columbus
when it comes to what we know about space. feeble youngsters in the eye of the universe.
so we land. i'm home. yet i'm not. mirrored world. this is where it gets weird. i'm on another
planet but it's all the same. except i'm 1 1/2" taller. yellow is just a little on the green side. the
trees have just a few more branches. and i could swear i saw a pteradactal fly by.
i'm home. my wife is there. she's the same. the house is clean though and the dishes are done.

this place is scary. i wanna go home.

peace my friends..................................................