tell em how it is MARK

11 minutes 42 seconds LMAO you tell em Marc! lol

what they are talking about is KEY this stuff is what it is ALL ABOUT
fuck the ones who wanted to jail us for ever! YOU LOSE MOFOS
its funny that the only people talking about any straight forward info (with PROOF)is Jody and marc and a couple other guys...

Its NOT looking good for LP's HAHAHAHAHA

Like We've said now for close to four years! ;)
I will be shocked if legalization happens....

Pretty much how I felt watching parts of a few of the meetings. They seem to be a mix of people with their hands out begging for money, people (I use this term very loosely as the Cons are just barely human) trying to stop legalization from happening at all, people who actually have knowledge and intelligent input being blatantly ignored by the politicians, and Dana Larson being told how bad he is for ignoring laws by that fugly bitch who thinks little johnny is gonna dry his marijuana leaves in the toaster oven for smoking.
people who actually have knowledge and intelligent input being blatantly ignored by the politicians, and Dana Larson being told how bad he is for ignoring laws by that fugly bitch who thinks little johnny is gonna dry his marijuana leaves in the toaster oven for smoking.
you shoulda been there Chris they wanna hear from people like you and your list lol
I've wanted to sit in one of these 'conferences' for a long time and tried to weasel my way in a number of times! They don't want to hear from the regular guy who will be most effected by their decisions.
I had a good talk with the guy at the dispensary today though. I printed off a copy of the article on 'Potfacts' that had my list and he taped it to his counter so people can read it. It's a start....