I just started using tea. My local hydro shop explained to me how to do it. They hooked me up with a small fish tank type air pump and airstone. I use a nylon stocking and put a few handfuls of worm casings and home made compost an tie it off. I drop that in a 5 gal bucket of water with the airstone and add in a few tablespoons of corn syrup. I let it bubble for 1 or 2 days and then mix about 32oz with 3 gals of water and water the garden.
I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions or tips about using and making teas.
and 1 question... is it ok to PH this watered down solution 5.5 and use it for cloning?
I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions or tips about using and making teas.
and 1 question... is it ok to PH this watered down solution 5.5 and use it for cloning?