• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Teabaggers Mock Parkinsons Victim


Well-Known Member
Conservatives are such a lovely bunch of people...........

[youtube]<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6ik4f1dRbP8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6ik4f1dRbP8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Obviously idiots who have no idea what its like to be strickend with a disease like Parkinsons. Also seem to be ignorant as to what a Communist is too. I fear thats the mentality today of many on the far right.


more generalizations

teabag does not equal conservative

stick to one label...


Well-Known Member
I suppose one could always be a 'Holier Than Thou' Progressive who makes sport of a toddler with Down Syndrome. :clap:

Better to be the Teabagger than the Teabaggee. :-P


Active Member
Big day tomorrow reps.It's going to happen with or without you.Look on the bright side...you still have alot of things to say no to.


Well-Known Member
Oh noz, Someone who wants entitled medical care got mocked by people who don't want gubbermint run health care? Say it isn't so, oh the inhumanity of it all. When you have a disease you should never be mocked or ridiculed or opposed in any way, because you are sick everyone else should of course change their point of view. How dare those obviously healthy people defend their health and wallets and property from the overbearing government who wants to take it all away to give to those people who feel they are entitled to any and everything.


Well-Known Member
a guy asked me today how the health care legislation would affect my business..
i told him it will make it almost imposable for small business to hire new employees because of the already low profit margins . any extra expense right now will hurt ALOT of small and medium sized business and keep them from hiring new employees without a doubt. now there is going to be extra withholding to pay for this scheme making it more expensive to hire employees.
not to mention extra capital gains tax all kinds of tax's. the IRS is going to hire 15K new agents to collect the moneys for health care that wouldnt start for around 4 to 5 years in the future.
good luck progressives on getting people back to work and increasing the work force so fewer people are sitting around with their hand out looking for obamas stash.
all these companys will continue to lay people off and will NOT hire them back for years to come.unless they hire them in a countrys whos business laws and tax's are reasonable unlike the USA.
these progressive idiots are working over time to destroy the american economy and the middle class in this country. looks like they are doing a fine job of it too.
maybe the million census takers obama is going to hire might offset the unemployment numbers for a short time.
1 million census workers .divide by 300 million people. that means each one of those census workers would have to count only 300 people in one years time or so..thats about how long they have planned to hire the census workers.2000 hours times 20 bucks a hour. (some census takers will make more some less than that. so i just used a median number.
that is 40000 a year to count 300 people each. 40Ktimes 1000000 is what? 40 billion dollars?
these fucking people running this country are complete fucking morons.almost as dumb as the people who voted for them.


New Member
Oh noz, Someone who wants entitled medical care got mocked by people who don't want gubbermint run health care? Say it isn't so, oh the inhumanity of it all. When you have a disease you should never be mocked or ridiculed or opposed in any way, because you are sick everyone else should of course change their point of view. How dare those obviously healthy people defend their health and wallets and property from the overbearing government who wants to take it all away to give to those people who feel they are entitled to any and everything.
Jeez. Hate to say it, but some people with views like this might be viewed as selfish, lame, assholes. Let's say some like yourself (not you, someone like you) worked their whole life, had health insurance, family was covered, etc. Let's say that the economy took a severe downturn.

Let's say that that person lost their job, their insurance, most everything. Then, let's say that person developed a type of treatable cancer. Opps, no health insurance, you get to die. Is this the way the US should treat its own citizens while giving billions to Israel?

Unfortunately, there are folks in this US of A who think in a very selfish, self centered way. Sometimes karma can be a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Jeez. Hate to say it, but some people with views like this might be viewed as selfish, lame, assholes. Let's say some like yourself (not you, someone like you) worked their whole life, had health insurance, family was covered, etc. Let's say that the economy took a severe downturn.

Let's say that that person lost their job, their insurance, most everything. Then, let's say that person developed a type of treatable cancer. Opps, no health insurance, you get to die. Is this the way the US should treat its own citizens while giving billions to Israel?

Unfortunately, there are folks in this US of A who think in a very selfish, self centered way. Sometimes karma can be a bitch.
That is a dubious argument. Anyone needing treatment gets it now, by law. A hospital cannot turn anyone away regardless of ability to pay.

A law illegal aliens (invaders) have been exploiting for decades, by the way.

Why did you select Israel?

There are many other Nations which benefit from American patronage. Then factor in American contributions to the U.N. and other international agencies which pass out our money any way they see fit.


New Member
Anyone needing treatment gets it now, by law. A hospital cannot turn anyone away regardless of ability to pay.

And then they lose their house and go bankrupt because they can't afford the bill for urgent medical care. Many do die, about 20,000 - 40,000 of our fellow citizens every year, depending on what studies you trust.


Well-Known Member
studys also say 200K people die a year due to operations being preformed that are not needed.
if a man has a job he can pay for his and his familys health care. something that seems to totally lost on the progressives.
people are not worried about health care morons.
people are worried about losing their jobs and homes. obama and the dems are NOT worried about people working they are worried about people relying on government so they can control them.
my business has been WAY down the last year since obama and the dems have taken over .
disaster is just around the corner from these idiots spending twice the amount they have taken in.
obama and his cronies have quadrupled the debt in just one year.
jim rogers states there will be MORE economic crisis in the not to distant future..and as he said the US government and federal reserve have already used up all of its ammo to avert another great depression .the US government and the federal reserve will not be able to quadruple the debt every year to save the US economys ass.
the rise in US GDP has been artificially created by the US government and federal reserve spending.in other words we are actually still in a recession.
there are only two people in the world i trust concerning investment advice . JIM ROGERS. he is known as the billionaire biker. he is worth several billion dollars and lives in asia.
the other guy i listen to his name is mark faber . he is from switzerland and lives in asia right now(asia is where the money is at to be made)
marc faber predicts a disaster of the american economy and he compares obamas economy policy's to that of robert mugabe of zimbabwe. AND HES ONLY PARTIALLY JOKING.
marc faber says he is 100% positive the US will see hyper inflation. MARC FABER IS NEVER WRONG.
these two guys are not like warren buffet making their billions on the back of the american tax payers by running around b uying up bank of america and goldman sachs. and rail roads like buffet to cheat the american public out of its money through government cronyism like buffet and soros.


Well-Known Member
obama is close to being a lame duck president ..and its not hardly been over a year since he took POWER.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Saturday, March 20, 2010
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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21. That matches the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President (see trends).
Each time the President leads a big push for his health care plan, his job approval ratings suffer. While some portions of the plan are popular, others are not. Most voters oppose the proposed Medicare savings and the taxes involved. As a result, most voters continue to oppose the legislation. Just 20% of voters believe that most Members of Congress will understand the proposed health care bill before they vote on it.From a political perspective, 50% are less likely to vote for a Member of Congress who supports the health care reform plan proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats.
With the House vote expected tomorrow (Sunday), Rasmussen Reports will release our latest tracking of support for the health care legislation tomorrow morning rather than waiting until Monday. Thirty-four percent (34%) now say health care reform is the goal the President is most likely to achieve. Voters still say deficit reduction is the most important and the least likely to be achieved.
On Monday, Rasmussen Reports will begin rolling out new features for measuring the performance of the President and other politicians. Also, next week, we will launch new features that will help track information on a state by state basis. The latest polling data can always be found on the Rasmussen Reports home page,updated with new data at least six times daily.
The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook.
Overall, 43% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the President's performance. That also matches the lowest level yet recorded for this President. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove.
Check out our review of last week&#8217;s key polls to see &#8220;What They Told Us&#8221;.
(More Below)

you progressives are complete morons if you think the issue will be settled today and you will have your free health insurance..LOL
this so called free health insurance is going to cost you millions of more jobs.
Hatch Says It&#8217;s &#8217;Nuts&#8217; to Think House Vote Ends Health Issue

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By Nicholas Johnston

March 20 (Bloomberg) -- Republican Senator Orrin Hatch said Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are &#8220;nuts&#8221; to think tomorrow&#8217;s vote on health-care legislation will resolve the issue.
If the measure passes, Senate Republicans have enough votes on at least two points of order to alter the measure and send it back to the House for a second round of votes, Hatch said in an interview on Bloomberg Television&#8217;s &#8220;Political Capital with Al Hunt,&#8221; airing this weekend.
&#8220;If those people think they&#8217;re only going to vote on this once, they&#8217;re nuts,&#8221; Hatch said as House Democratic leaders rounded up support before the scheduled vote on President Barack Obama&#8217;s top domestic priority.
The senator from Utah also said the approach Democrats are using to pass the legislation in the House may be unconstitutional because the House and Senate aren&#8217;t voting on &#8220;exactly the same language.&#8221;
The second-ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Hatch also said Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, 89, is &#8220;likely&#8221; to announce he is stepping down next month.
That would allow Obama to name his replacement, and Hatch suggested Solicitor General Elena Kagan and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as possibilities.
&#8216;Pick Another Woman&#8217;
&#8220;I suspect he&#8217;s going to try and pick another woman or somebody from some ethnic group that hasn&#8217;t had a chance to be on the court,&#8221; Hatch said.
Replacing Stevens would be Obama&#8217;s second pick for the nine-member court. Last year he named Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic justice, to the court to fill the seat vacated by David Souter.
On the issue of terrorism, Hatch, a member of the Senate intelligence committee, said the U.S. &#8220;may very well catch Osama bin Laden,&#8221; the leader of the al-Qaeda network.
&#8220;We are knocking off the top 20 one by one,&#8221; Hatch said. He criticized Attorney General Eric Holder for telling lawmakers March 16 that bin Laden isn&#8217;t likely to be captured alive.
&#8220;I don&#8217;t think he should have said that,&#8221; Hatch said.
Asked if he knew whether bin Laden&#8217;s capture is imminent, Hatch said, &#8220;I couldn&#8217;t say even if I did.&#8221;
College Football
On college sports, Hatch called the Bowl Championship Series, which oversees the college football national championship game, &#8220;a corrupt system&#8221; that funnels billions of dollars to &#8220;privileged conferences.&#8221;
The Department of Justice has told Hatch it is considering whether to investigate the BCS for possible violations of antitrust law.
&#8220;It&#8217;s a corrupt system and frankly we really do need to change it,&#8221; said Hatch, who turns 76 on March 22. &#8220;And I understand why they&#8217;d try and hold onto it. It&#8217;s a gravy train to them that nobody seems to look at or supervise or review.&#8221;
Hatch said one of the points of order raised against the health-care legislation in the Senate would be related to the effect on Social Security revenue, and he expects Republicans will have the votes to win on that because it would require 60 votes to overturn.
Less Revenue
A proposed tax on high-end insurance plans would be scaled back under the House measure, which would mean less revenue for the Social Security system, Republicans say. That would violate Senate rules, they say.
Democrats and two independents who usually side with the party have 59 seats in the 100-member body.
The legislation represents the most significant health-care revamp since the Medicare program for the elderly was created in 1965. Under it, Americans would have more access to preventive care, Democrats say. Also, young adults could stay on their parents&#8217; insurance until age 26. The measure has a 10-year $940 billion price tag.
Hatch, who was first elected to his seat in 1976, predicted &#8220;outright warfare&#8221; in the Senate if Democrats use a process called reconciliation that would allow the chamber to pass the health-care measure with a simple majority.
&#8220;That&#8217;s going to be something they&#8217;re going to have to live with the rest of their lives,&#8221; Hatch said.


Well-Known Member
a guy asked me today how the health care legislation would affect my business..
i told him it will make it almost imposable for small business to hire new employees because of the already low profit margins . any extra expense right now will hurt ALOT of small and medium sized business and keep them from hiring new employees without a doubt. now there is going to be extra withholding to pay for this scheme making it more expensive to hire employees.
I am also a small business owner and I couldn't disagree with you more. My families business already provides health insurance to our 6 full time employees. This bill waives the mandate for businesses with less than 50 employees which is the majority of job producing businesses in this country. Those that do provide insurance will be able to pool together in order to get a lower price.

if a man has a job he can pay for his and his familys health care. something that seems to totally lost on the progressives.
That is a very over simplified and incorrect assumption. Just because a man has a job, does not mean he is able to afford health insurance. If you think so, call any health insurer you like. Tell them you would like to purchase health insurance and when it comes time to discussing medical history, inform them you had Cancer a few years ago or were recently diagnosed with MS. After they quote you a 4 figure monthly premium with a 5 figure deductible, then tell me if "any man with a job can afford it".

people are not worried about health care morons.
people are worried about losing their jobs and homes.
For many, if they lose their job they also lose health insurance. Over 70% of bankruptcies are because of medical bills. So the fear of losing your job and home along with health insurance can and usually are one in the same.

my business has been WAY down the last year since obama and the dems have taken over .
Please point to whatever it is that Obama and the Dems have done since last year that has hurt your business! There is nothing I can think of politically related that could be hurting your business that wasn't already a ball rolling pryor to Obama coming in to office. Perhaps you should spend more time trying to improve your business model and a little less time blaming politics for its poor performance.