TDH and PH


Well-Known Member
My city water ranges from 250-450 TDS with an average of 300. My PH is average of 7.6.

I am using Subcools soil mix for the first time for this grow.

Can I use this city water just leaving it out 24 hours to eliminate the Clorine?

If so, should I PH my water down to 7 before using. How about the TDS? Will it cause lock out at these levels.

I prefer not to buy an R.O. if I do not need to.

I have done a couple grows with this water with OK results but want the best possible results using the super soil for the first time.

I look forward to getting some input.
I tend to lean on the more acidic side of things.... start off w/ a 6.0-6.5 ph when I adjust.

But yea, a ROS is probably your best bet
It would also be a good thing to know if your city puts chloramine in it's water. It doesn't evaporate just sitting out without some treatment or organic matter added. I know they add it in my city so I use distilled with added cal/mag.