Tbreaks suck balls

Hey everyone, I'm on day 2 of a 3 week tbreak and it sucks. Having a hard time falling asleep and keeping my mind occupied. I am trying to get this job that I want and really want to stop for a few weeks. Anyone else taking a break?


Well-Known Member
what kinda job? like a pee in the bottle kinda job? I think if anything a nice big old doobie would calm you down. I Have my breaks, But its just usually to lower my tolerance, Go a week without smoking any weed and I can get high off a puff or two.


Well-Known Member
Remember AltarNation's good advice <3

My longest recent break was 3 weeks, 6 weeks when I wasn't smoking daily. Keep yourself productive and active. I found all my sports and ballet helped make me tired enough to go to sleep, positive enough to stay alive, hungry enough to eat and focused enough to not think about wed for a little while. Obviously I much prefer to smoke- I had those issues before I'd ever touched a joint in my life and weed has been the best thing so far to help.


Well-Known Member
been a few months here.... it sucked until i got that first bi-weekly 2100 dollar check in the mail.... totally worth it in my opinion...