taproot not burying?

i germed an auto berry ryder seed about a week ago, the past few days the tap root has been in the same spot not growing in the soil but is still green? i have reburied and watered the pot again today. its about 1/2in down if that. first time this has happened, its been stuck for about 4 days now although the seed cover is starting to come off but the tap root still hasn't buried itself. been searching google the past couple of days and couldn't find anything on it, thanks for any advice.


Well-Known Member
This post does not make much sense. How did a taproot find itself above the surface of the soil in the first place? Did you just drop the seed on top of your soil? Now you say you did put it 1/2" deep but some how the taproot worked its way back above the soil, which is totally opposite of how nature works?
i've had the taproot emerge before, before it went back down into the soil. aren't you supposed to point the tap root up its still below the surface of course, but they sometime make the way to surface before going back down? i dug it up after not seeing anything sprout after 4 days, maybe im anxious but its normally taken me 2 days to sprout. after digging it up i saw the tap root was the exact same length 4 days ago...


Active Member
How did you go about planting this? Like bjericho said, did you just drop it above the soil or something?


Active Member
Once you germ you should plant the thing and WAIT...Dont go digging up and replanting it dude..


Well-Known Member
*sigh* Quit digging your seed up, you will only harm your little seedling. I've never seen a taproot grow out of the soil in 1.5 years of growing, and I've cracked many seeds.I don't even bother positioning the seed, nature isn't that specific. Plants know how to grow better than you do.
im sorry, i didnt meant dig. i meant moved the soil from over top the seed, not dug it up. i put it in a cup of tap water to pop it and let the tap root showe then moved the soil over a bit. dropped it in root up and covered it. about 1/4in

edit: this is what happened, taproot came up and bent over heading back into the soil. so when i saw this i moved soil over it to keep it from being exposed, that's where its stuck at now for the past 4 days and hasn't grown. im just curious if they can sometime take this long, the soil did dry up but watered it shortly after again. so could that be the case? it dried out at the surface too quick?