Tap Water


Active Member
I see so many mixed reviews about tap water. I'm growing in FF Ocean Forest and my tap ppm read comes out to about 20-23. Is it fine to pour straight from the faucet or should I be leaving it out for a full 24 hours for the chlorine to evaporate?
if its tap water, it cant hurt to leave it out fot the 24hrs to get rid of chlorine, just hope its not chloramine in it.
as for your PPM, im not familiar to useing a meter , so dont know what the ppm should be, but 20-23 doesnt sound like much. you should be ok if i remember correctly.
im sure someone will chime in if im wrong
Chlorine is less of an issue using city tap water then the PH range usually is. Most cities push the PH high to protect old Iron pipes in the system. My own tap water runs a steady 8.5 PH. You can adjust before using or run your soil on the acidic side to compensate. You won't see the effects right away, but all that bad water will eventually take a toll and push the soil PH higher as well.

Amending with Sulfur dust between grows will limit soil PH push. If that doesn't get it done some ammonia sulfate will lower soil PH nearly overnight.
You can also go to a local pet shop or store and pickup some reptisafe (safe for lunged reptiles), or maybe even a small bottle of prime (for fish). Both will gas off the chloramines instantly, and are safe for aquatic plants. I use a drop here and there, when I brew ACT tea's, etc. Or if I'm filling my aquarium and need the water right away. I prefer knowing there are chloramines in my hydro setups though. Seems to keep it extra clean ;)
Chlorine is less of an issue using city tap water then the PH range usually is. Most cities push the PH high to protect old Iron pipes in the system. My own tap water runs a steady 8.5 PH. You can adjust before using or run your soil on the acidic side to compensate. You won't see the effects right away, but all that bad water will eventually take a toll and push the soil PH higher as well.

Amending with Sulfur dust between grows will limit soil PH push. If that doesn't get it done some ammonia sulfate will lower soil PH nearly overnight.
Unfortunatley, most cities water supplies are contaminated with way worse things than the chemicals they treat it with. Recent studies show that more than half are contaminated with PFAS. That's what I'm more worried about these days. Fish in every state with high levels, every stream..

Standard RO systems only filter out maybe 90% of the "forever chemicals" at best, and don't even really filter it out. More like concentrate it if anything. They dump all the waste water right back into the same water supply, continuing the cycle. I hope the problem gets solved soon. No one talks about it!

Chloramines aren't as big of a deal IMO..
The replies are too much for me.

Just use the tap water, you're likely fine(till you're not)...
I'm doing DWC with tap water..I add nutes and then pH to around 5.8. When I do water changes the water comes straight from my bath tub faucet to the DWC bucket, then add nutes and pH down.

Seems good to me so far. Might not get the highest yield etc compared to people who use RO and distilled but it seems to be working.

I never drink straight tap water.. Especially with all the added fluoride these days, which makes the calcium bind to your pineal gland, lol.

More reason not to, & breaking news:

How much you guys wanna bet that HLVD is actually the plants own genetic response to the build up of those kinds of chemicals in the plants? The places where its most prevalent is probably where the bad companies are leaking it out.

NM, nothing to worry about. No big deal.. :)

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