tap water (hard water) or bottled spring water?

so my water is around 280ppm what i be better off getting bottled spring water a gallon is only £1

Thats going to add up fast. I would consider a Berkey filter system or BoogieBlue or something similar, or maybe even a whole RO system if its cost effective. Not sure how many gallons a day you use but that spring water is going to add up quick and Im thinking a decent filter would pay for itself on your first grow. Ive never done hydro though so someone else can probably better assist.
Thats going to add up fast. I would consider a Berkey filter system or BoogieBlue or something similar, or maybe even a whole RO system if its cost effective. Not sure how many gallons a day you use but that spring water is going to add up quick and Im thinking a decent filter would pay for itself on your first grow. Ive never done hydro though so someone else can probably better assist.
im using soil and only 3 plants atm
im using soil and only 3 plants atm

Ahh cool. Are you seeing issues and are concerned about PPM? I grow organic in soil and while I occasionally check my water and soil PH ive never once in my life checked PPMs.

What soil and nutes are you using?
so my water is around 280ppm what i be better off getting bottled spring water a gallon is only £1

280ppm at what scale? .5 or .7?

At .7 scale that’s fine to use.

Not so much if it’s .5 scale.

have you ever tested a bottle of spring waters ppm?