• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Tamisium: The Informants

This has just come to my attention and scared the fuck out of me. Like this community doesnt have enough problems with the oppressive, fascist, war on drugs from outside, we have them within too.

The oil extractor company known as Tamisium, made a posting, in passing, on a popular fourm that i dont think they thought through very well and said way too much. This is a screen grab that highlights the troubling issue:

"To keep a good reputation with the Narcotics Agency in TX I have agreed to report Texas sales of that equipment..."

Link to OP: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=6868007&posted=1#post6868007

Now maybe I'm over reacting, I do have EXTREMELY strong feels about DEA, and narco cops in general, but my reaction to this was "Oh my fucking god, What the fuck? You greedy, cowardly, bastards have the balls to build something for the cannabis culture and then turn around and inform on us!!!" This is bullshit no matter how you slice it. These guys aren't fucking Sigma-Aldrich there are a cannabis company through and through, so what is the excuse? He admits its not Texas law, but even it was why would you do business in a state that supports the oppressiveness and puts people in jail for life for fucking a weed!!!

And remember, some of the worlds biggest and most idealistic companys; Google, Yahoo, Apple, and the like, saying (paraphrasing) "oh we would never give detailed user information to the government" and we all know how that turned out. So when it is said this is just in Texas, I not convinced.

As cannabis users and especially as patients, we CAN NOT stand for crap like this. And it is places like Texas that need the most help, I know from experience the worst thing in the world is to live in a state where you have a chance of going to prison for years for making the medicine you need (and have a natural born right too), and these swine are fucking making it happen!!

FUCK YOU Tamisium! Im taking this viral!



Well-Known Member
after readin this i guess they "had " to report to "stay compliant"
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Well-Known Member
Man i didnt look into any of this and dont know how or when it could be used, im just saying thats some bull. My little town borrowed a dea team back in nov from austin (travis county) doin surveillance for months after one of my spots got raided. Couple of my boys got popped for a string of armed robberies. I thought it best to dip out for a couple months. Shit like this makes me mad, wether they have to or voluntarily its still annoying
well I am from TX and I take offense, I will be blasting them and think of starting a facebook page "Just say no to Tamisium"
thats a great idea, i dont fuck with facebook so i whouldnt know what to do, someone who knows how should do a twitter or whatever #NoToTamisium

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
So I sent an email to david at tamisium. Heres the whole conversation.

American Express®


Learn more

Tamisium Extractors Inc. A superior way to extract botanicals: questions before placing order

Mar 25, 2015, 8:09 PM

From [email protected] to you & 1 more


Hello Dee
That is a very fair question and deserves a detailed response.

All permitted labs that manufacture or use chemicals or use or sale
lab equipment in TX are required to report TX sales of glassware when the
customer lives in TX. That is all they require to keep your permit.
Any state with a lab permit structure will control sales of apparatus as well.

Tamisium Butane extractors are not required reporting by law even in TX
because they are not technically controlled due to the way they are used
and defined by law.
I did agree to report texas based sales to TX but not any other state.
If I did not they may ask for all my sales in all records each year and
make a law to enforce it.
Not sure what reference you are referring to.
Where is this reference you are talking about so I can clear that up there?

Another thing concerning is the DEA. Most if not all lab ware suppliers
report sales to the DEA. Either because they asked for them or because
they are required by law. Don’t let any supplier tell you different.
You should know this and they should inform you that your info could be
exposed so that you can order more discreetly to protect your privacy.
Don’t trust any supplier with your information. If it comes down to them
going to jail or giving up sales records what do you think they will do.

I can say that the DEA may ask for a sales record by NAME. In other words
if you are under investigation they may ask for any invoices created
with your name on it. So order accordingly.

I think I would look at that like if you were involved in a drunk
driving accident they may get your credit card receipts to prove you
buy alcohol. It is not like they have a login to a site database and
harass people that are not breaking the law. They usually find the
person first and then build the case. They don’t go through the phone
book and start with the letter A. Owning an extractor is not a sure
sign you are doing something illegal.
They have to go through an attorney too. Remember that extractors
are used for perfectly legal things as well. At least mine are.
They are not going to waste their time investigating all sales.

I think they are more interested in the ones that blow up more than
make drugs. Pump systems for example.
You also have to be concerned with ATF and Homeland security when
you start dealing with fires and drug money that can fund other
illegal operations.

They have more than sales records from suppliers of lab equipment to
access. Lab supplies is not enough to prove misconduct. Think about
money laundering, tax evasion, crossing state lines sales records.

You have a better chance of privacy with us because we are not doing
anything illegal therefore are not intimidated by agencies.
That is not true with the other suppliers. They all have their hands
in the cookie jar so to speak and they would most likely be the first
point of contact in a investigation.

For the record, I am not a govt agent and do not get paid for doing
the work of an agent and do not need a job. I have one.
I am not breaking any laws and cannot have anything held over my head
to force me to do anything. My competitors are breaking federal laws.
You could say I stay neutral to protect my customers.

I hope that explains it well enough for you.
Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Sincere Regards
[email protected]
Safe, Healthy, Non Toxic, Organic, Oil Chemical Extractors:
A Superior SAFE way to extract Oils and Chemicals using the
Highest Yielding Most Efficient Extractor Available.

Turmeric Extraction Kills Highly Lethal Pancreatic Tumors
Plant root extract causes cancer cells to ‘commit suicide’
Plant Extract that EATS Breast Cancer Cells
Breast Cancer - Wormwood Extract Kills Cancer Cells

-----Original Message-----
From: Tamisium Extractors Inc. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:07 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Tamisium Extractors Inc. A superior way to extract botanicals: questions before placing order

This is an enquiry email via http://www.tamisiumextractors.com/ from:
(Deleted my email)

I was researching your extraction device and was thinking about purchasing 3 or 4 units. Then unfortunately I found quite a few sites showing documentation that says you give buyer info to authorities? Is this true?

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.


Well-Known Member
Tamisium Butane extractors are not required reporting by law even in TX
because they are not technically controlled due to the way they are used
and defined by law.
I did agree to report texas based sales to TX but not any other state.
If I did not they may ask for all my sales in all records each..

I read their email a couple times, sometimes i feel a bit special... why are they reporting? And why just tx?
Stupid people

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
It reads to me like he is sacrificing TX extractors because he thinks doing that will keep feds off his back? Id be very nervous right now if I had previously purchased anything anywhere from them!
It reads to me like he is sacrificing TX extractors because he thinks doing that will keep feds off his back? Id be very nervous right now if I had previously purchased anything anywhere from them!
It does seem like a bit of a political answer, but he doesn't seem like he's trying to do anything other than sell units... with that said, he may haven't volunteered much beyond a few TX records, but a guy like this will always buckle under real pressure. And that's the scary part.

Considering all of the bad publicity RE extractions, Johnny law is using the "safety" guise to bust extractors... sure, we all know cops are vastly concerned with our safety. Right. So, once the law flexes on these "noobs", they buckle. While I am happy to see change in our country's mj laws, there is now a flood of people in this market who have little or no experience with drugs, or are just seeking to capitalize on the boom, and sadly can't even comprehend how to not incriminate their customers. Basically, these guys sure can design an extractor--but their street cred(lol) is questionable.

Kinda like Obama... sure can design some affordable healthcare... just don't ask where the money comes from.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
It wont accept mails til you send your contact info on the tamisium website under contact. Then once he responds you can then send him emails directly

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I am not a subzero fan either but that is because their price point they are good units
Yeah the price of subzero Is definately steep . They do look like well made machines. Has anyone here actually used one? Id like some users reviews


Well-Known Member
I've never used a closed loop subzero I have a qp "baller series" with a dry ice chamber it works pretty good then again it's all about the material that goes in. I think the only way to do business with tamisium is by making them sign a confidentiality agreement regarding your specific sale

Sent from my D6616 using Rollitup mobile app

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I've never used a closed loop subzero I have a qp "baller series" with a dry ice chamber it works pretty good then again it's all about the material that goes in. I think the only way to do business with tamisium is by making them sign a confidentiality agreement regarding your specific sale

Sent from my D6616 using Rollitup mobile app
I dont think anyone In any state for any reason should buy from tamisium. And I know if I previously bought one id be running to cover my ass