Talking about "drugs" over text

I've just been wondering if it's legally dangerous to talk about drug use/selling over text. In California, and said drug is MJ

edit: this is hypothetical of course


Active Member
i do it, but i am a med user. i talk about what i got budding and what clones i took and what not. its always to another med user tho, so arrest me lol


Well-Known Member
if your asking about dubs/ 1/8s/ oz- your prb straight i doubt the dea is going to bust in hard body on you. FBI surely doesnt give a fuck about these petty deals so i doubt they are viewing every text that comes by. now if your talking qp's and pounds ide adive you to have some code language like "hows your girlfriend doin?" "oh shes being a bitch today i dont think ill be able to chill. (so your dealer is sayin im not good dont come thru/bad timing)". I never talk numbers on the phone/texts. Just a simple wassup? if its your dealer they know why your calling them and theres no need to say anything drug related (can u meet up im bored?), and if its a friend just hitem up to chill for a while smk an L or something, get the goods and be on w your life. Never deal with shady ppl as a rule of thumb, theres always a close dealer that you can trust (i got like 3 good friends who all deal and got no heat on them bc they are smart w who they deal with and where+ they never jerk you)


Active Member
The courts can get a warrant for your text records and it can be used against you. hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how motivated the LEOs and DA's are around your area.

it's always best to keep things slangish. i used to refer to x as 'tickets' back in my heavy drug using days. and i used to refer to half oz of weed as 'the game'. "you got the game?" is pretty innocuous.....

now i send them very vague texts, "hey, you home?" is a classic and they know what I mean, but i've had the same dealers for years. they also have certain code words for when they think the cops are a little too close, which keeps both of us free.


Well-Known Member
Its going to screw your defense in court if your caught selling weed and have all those weed selling references in your phone. They will also know who your buying. From/selling to. Not a great way to treat your connects/custies


Well-Known Member
just to be on the safe side i never use the actual drug names. or the word bomb for that matter. usually say stuff like "if ure at the shop can u get me some cereal" "going for a drink with charlie" "mandy's coming too" etc depending what drug it is. weed we call jeffrey