Taking cuttings and getting brown gunk on them after a few days


Well-Known Member
I have a 1.25 gallon cloning bucket with 15 sites, its called the dewey mister. After a few days I get a build up of gunk or brown stuff on the lowest 1 inch of the cuttings. I have been wiping it away with a Q tip... Someone on here said to put 1 drop of clorox bleach in the 1.25 gallon rez daily, is the drop of bleach ok ???
I hate that stuff. It is the reason I went back to Cubes! I get roots easily in a Week strain and parameters withstanding. Some versions of it will not even bleach out. However, since the Dewey Mister is less hidden moving parts you should be able to disinfect! I would soak the Mister itself in more than 10%. I would even ask the company (type of plastic) and boil that thing if the plastic was withstand the heat....

BTW do a search for Cyano Bacteria SLime Clones or something I forgot what it has been identified as. I ran how water bleach solution through a small EzClone and that shit survived! Some say it lives in the Pump.... Aero Cloning is way more trouble for less results IMHO. Root Riot/Dip-n-Grow heat mat 80 Degree/ dome = guaranteed roots very fast...
I hate that stuff. It is the reason I went back to Cubes! I get roots easily in a Week strain and parameters withstanding. Some versions of it will not even bleach out. However, since the Dewey Mister is less hidden moving parts you should be able to disinfect! I would soak the Mister itself in more than 10%. I would even ask the company (type of plastic) and boil that thing if the plastic was withstand the heat....

BTW do a search for Cyano Bacteria SLime Clones or something I forgot what it has been identified as. I ran how water bleach solution through a small EzClone and that shit survived! Some say it lives in the Pump.... Aero Cloning is way more trouble for less results IMHO. Root Riot/Dip-n-Grow heat mat 80 Degree/ dome = guaranteed roots very fast...

Is the drop of bleach once a day gonna keep that brown gunk at bay or better yet is the bleach gonna mess up the cuttings from rooting?
Only ofter thing I put in the dewey mister is clonex to raise the ppm to 300 (starting ppm is 150) and ph down to 5.8..... I use the little clonex bc the roots seem bigger and not stringy. Not sure I need to ph down, but I do.
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I hate that stuff. It is the reason I went back to Cubes! I get roots easily in a Week strain and parameters withstanding. Some versions of it will not even bleach out. However, since the Dewey Mister is less hidden moving parts you should be able to disinfect! I would soak the Mister itself in more than 10%. I would even ask the company (type of plastic) and boil that thing if the plastic was withstand the heat....

BTW do a search for Cyano Bacteria SLime Clones or something I forgot what it has been identified as. I ran how water bleach solution through a small EzClone and that shit survived! Some say it lives in the Pump.... Aero Cloning is way more trouble for less results IMHO. Root Riot/Dip-n-Grow heat mat 80 Degree/ dome = guaranteed roots very fast...

I don't use a pump, I just use 1 air stone in the dewey cloner. The 1 air stone keeps the cuttings wet.
I have a 1.25 gallon cloning bucket with 15 sites, its called the dewey mister. After a few days I get a build up of gunk or brown stuff on the lowest 1 inch of the cuttings. I have been wiping it away with a Q tip... Someone on here said to put 1 drop of clorox bleach in the 1.25 gallon rez daily, is the drop of bleach ok ???
Make some of this... It will solve ur problem
Make your own clear rez click here here
keep it on 71.5 that s good middle

I can't control the temp really anyways. In the summer I got the bucket on the concrete and the avg temp is probably 71-75... In the winter I put it on a heat mat and its probably around 70 bc my basement gets down to 65 in the dead of winter in NY.
I'm just hoping these 2 new strains I have root easily. I've had other cuttings/clones that don't root well bc of the strain. Makes shit way easier when they root easily. I've had strains that would root 95% of the time and others that root 50%.
I can't control the temp really anyways. In the summer I got the bucket on the concrete and the avg temp is probably 71-75... In the winter I put it on a heat mat and its probably around 70 bc my basement gets down to 65 in the dead of winter in NY.
put a yoga mat or some of that white packaging and then the heat mat on top. that will help alot with heat dispersion