Take An Hour And Watch Something That Could Save Your Life

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I am the first person to be a skeptic, and the way the whole thing ends with all the vagueness about what to invest in and that you have to ask him to send you shit to read...

And sure, never once does he cite a source for some pretty crazy claims...

But still, many of the points he makes I cannot argue against. If you know much about history and the gold standard you will find this video especially enlightening.

I could have put this video in the Black Briefcase, or in the Politics forums, but I chose to put it here because I want to talk about the legitimacy of the claims and the time line you guys think we are working with.


It always starts with the oil. We actually import most of our oil from Canada, not the middle east, but when the price begins to rise on the barrel again things are going to get interesting. Commodity prices will skyrocket, and that's when things get bad.

Back in the Summer of 2008 when gas was like $5 per gallon families were spending more on everything. Food was more expensive because the trucks cost more to drive and deliver it to the stores. Essentially, the cost of living went up about 160% in a matter of maybe 6 months. Shortly thereafter home owners who now couldn't pay their mortgages lose their houses and the institutions who dangerously traded in these "empty" leans collapsed.

So the Gov't prints a bunch of new money to prop up these institutions who lost HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!

And here we are... Ready to do it all over again. Except this time the world isn't going to be there to bail us out. China is over it. Japan is fucked as it is... And we have the nerve to say "let us offer you aid, and go to war in other countries, all on money we are borrowing from China just to keep the value of the dollar from plummeting."

This gas/energy crisis is coming back full steam. Prepare for $6 and up per gallon on gas. Prepare for the money to dry up, inflation to soar out of control, and this wonderful country of ours return to a state similar to that of Post WW1 depression era America.

Sucks... but don't think it cannot happen in our country. Katrina happened.

Imagine what another year of flooding in the mid-west and south, the long term impact of the oil spill, and an earthquake that is just itching to hit the west coast at full force... It won't take much to upend our country in a matter of days. Wait until your bottled water is $100 a case... Or $10,000...
in a post a while back I posted about our debt to china and how much we are borrowing from em to finance wars and send aid...........................havent watched it yet but I will and get back to you on it........sounds interesting......not that we can do anything to change the world now.....but like to read how fucked up we are..........and all the videos out there alot of em hit the nail on the head but ppl poopoo em off............so Ill watch...thanks
Stupid people believe stupid things. I worked in the financial industry (Goldman Sachs) and have never heard of this guy. I will always laugh at those who are gullible and take solace in the fact that making money of them is easy.
Someone has drank the koolaide! Please! Somebody get this guy some weed! He needs to relax...
fuck soon as I clicked on it and started lisenting I quit..........fuck that..........thought it was going to be a good video.........................FUCK

seen the previews for this on tv.. the guy really fished out some money for national commercail coverage



This page is a resource of Brian Deer for a Sunday Times of London investigation of California-based VaxGen Inc, which led to dealings with Frank Porter Stansberry, a tip sheet operator who lured the unwary with claims of proof that AidsVax works and predictions that the stock would soar, just before it collapsed. Soon after, the US Securities and Exchange Commission went after Stansberry, with the result below. [Commentary: friend or fraud?]
A midnight announcement on February 24 2003 that the candidate HIV vaccine AidsVax showed no effect in a phase III clinical trial was long predicted by independent scientists. Inquiries by Brian Deer during his 1999 Sunday Times investigation of VaxGen Inc, unearthed a worrying picture, and led to the prosecution of Dr William Heyward, who as HIV vaccine chief at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cheer-led for VaxGen's technology and arranged federal grants whilst secretly engaged to join the company
As the AidsVax trial progressed, VaxGen forged another relationship - with stock hypester Frank Porter Stansberry. Annotated extracts from Porter Stansberry material claiming to prove that AidsVax works and predicting that the stock would soar are available at this site. On the day of the announcement, however, VaxGen opened at $3.31 - shedding a staggering twenty bucks from its 52-week high and more than $30 from its post-IPO peak. Nevertheless, in the email exchange below, Porter Stansberry, who at the time of publication is in litigation with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, argues that Deer has treated him unfairly
Porter Stansberry is complaining aboutthis and this. The Securities and Exchange Commission is complaining about this

Securities and Exchange Commission,
:Civil Action No. MJG 03 CV 1042


Plaintiff Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission"), for its Complaint against Agora, Inc. ("Agora"), Pirate Investor LLC ("Pirate") and Frank Porter Stansberry ("Stansberry") (collectivley referred to as "defendants"), hereby alleges as follows:

1. Defendants engaged in an ongoing scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters published by Agora or its wholly owned subsidiaries such as Pirate. Through various publications, defendants claimed to have inside information about certain public companies. Defendants suggested that its readers could cash in on the inside information and make quick profits. The defendants offered to sell the inside information to newsletter subscribers for a fee of $1,000.
2. Numerous subscribers purchased the defendants "inside tips" and made investment decisions based on that information. The purported inside information was false and, as a result, the subscribers did not realize the profits the defendants promised.
3. The defendants, however, profited handsomely. On information and belief, Agora received in excess of $1 million from the sale of false information to its newsletter subscribers.

4. Defendants Agora, Pirate, and Stansberry have engaged and, unless enjoined, will continue to engage, directly or indirectly, in transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business which constitute violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") [15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 thereunder [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5].
5. Defendants' conduct occurred in connection with the purchase and sale of securities of public companies, including but not limited to, USEC, Inc. ("USEC").

6. The Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to Section 22(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities Act") [15 U.S.C. § 77u(a)] and Section 21(d) of the Exchange Act, [15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)].
7. The defendants, directly or indirectly, have made use of the mails, means or instruments of transportation or communication in interstate commerce, or means or instrumentalities of interstate commerce in connection with the transactions, acts, practices and courses of business described in this Complaint.
8. Venue over this action is proper pursuant to Section 22(a) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77v(a)] and Section 27 of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 77v(a) and 78aa].
9. Venue lies in the District of Maryland because certain of the transactions, acts, practices and courses of business constituting violations alleged herein occurred within the state of Maryland. In addition, Agora is a Maryland corporation with its principal place of business in Baltimore, Maryland. Pirate Investor LLC is a Maryland limited liability company with its principal place of business in Baltimore, Maryland. Defendant Frank Porter Stansberry is a Maryland resident.

10. Plaintiff Commission brings this action pursuant to Sections 20(b) and 20(d) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 77t(b) and 77t(d)] and Sections 21(d) and 21(e) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 78u(d)(3) and 78u(e)], to restrain and enjoin the defendants from engaging in the transactions, acts, practices and courses of business described herein which violate the federal securities laws, and transactions, acts, practices and courses of business of similar purport and object, to order defendants to disgorge all ill-gotten gains received during the period of violative conduct, and to impose civil money penalties pursuant to Section 20(d) of the Securities Act and Section 21(d)(3) of the Exchange Act against defendants.
11. Pursuant to authority conferred upon the Commission by Sections 10(b) and 23(a) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 78j(b) and 78w(a)], the Commission promulgated Rule 10b-5 [17 C.F.R. §§ 240.10b-5]. Rule 10b-5 was in effect at the time of the transactions and events alleged in the Complaint and remains in effect.

12. Agora, Inc. is a Maryland corporation based in Baltimore. Agora publishes books, magazines, newsletters and operates at least 15 financial web sites in the United States and Europe. Agora's publications include The Cutting Edge, Penny Stock Advisory, The Red Zone, Taipan, Rogue Trader, The Flying V Lockup Trader, CSX Trader, Fleet Street Letter, Options Hotline, Outstanding Investments, Richebacher Letter, Daily Reckoning Investment Advisory, Carpathia Letter, Strategic Opportunities, Jim Davidson's Vantage Point Investing, and the Contrarian Speculator. Agora publications have well over 21,500 paid subscribers.
13. Pirate Investor, LLC, is a Maryland Limited Liability Company that runs a financial advisory web site and newsletter, PirateInvestor.com. Pirate is wholly owned by Agora. Defendant Frank Porter Stansberry is the editor of PriateInvestor.com.
14. Frank Porter Stansberry, resides in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the editor of two of Agora's Internet financial newsletters: Porter Stansberry's Investment Advisory and PirateInvestor.com. Stansberry's compensation is based in part, on a percentage of the revenues realized by those on-line publications.

Marketing the False Inside Information

15. Agora's newsletters, including PirateInvestor.com, claim to be "a service featuring independent, original and thoughtful research into the process of wealth creation."
16. Instead, the newsletters contain nothing more than baseless speculation and outright lies, fabricated to induce investors to pay Agora (or its subsidiaries) for subscriptions or purported inside information.
17. The subscribers paid Agora for the alleged insider information only to later discover that the inside information was false.
18. On or about May 14, 2002, at least 15 of Agora's Internet newsletters disseminated an e-mail, written by Stansberry promising quick profits based on inside information. The heading on the e-mail stated: "DOUBLE YOUR MONEY ON MAY 22ND ON THIS SUPER INSIDER TIP." A true and correct copy of the May 14, 2002, e-mail is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
19. The e-mail claimed analysts at PirateInvestor.com had come into possession of certain details about the pending approval of a major international agreement that "will create more than $2.5 billion in profits for one small company." The e-mail identified the issuer as a company that was involved in the nuclear energy field and would benefit from the arms reduction treaty between the U.S. and Russia.
20. Stansberry's May 14, 2002, e-mail maintained investors would "make a fortune" because PirateInvestor.com had a "senior executive inside the company" as a source for its inside information. PirateInvestor.com claimed this executive was "definitely in a position to know the intimate deals of this agreement" and when it would be approved. Therefore, the e-mail announced that PirateInvestor.com was in a position to "tell you EXACTLY WHEN the deal will be finalized and announced to the public."
21. The e-mail encouraged recipients to stake their entire investment portfolios on this unnamed company and suggested investors would be able to double their "investment dollar in a single day." Finally, the e-mail stated PirateInvestor.com "can even tell you exactly which day to buy (May 21st) and which day to sell (May 23rd). There is nothing else you have to do."
22. The e-mail did not give the name of the company but indicated it was listed on the NYSE and offered to sell a full report including the name of the company to subscribers for $1,000.
The USEC Report Contains False Information.

23. Once the reader purchased the tip for $1,000, the reader received a report that identified USEC as the company with the impending contract approval ("USEC report"). A true and correct copy of the USEC Report is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
24. Agora's web site attributed the May 14, 2002 e-mail and the USEC report to Jay McDaniels. Jay McDaniels is a pseudonym for Stansberry.
25. The USEC report claimed USEC and Tenex, a Russian governmental agent corporation, had reached an agreement for Tenex to sell dismantled nuclear warheads to USEC at a reduced rate under a pricing agreement.
26. The USEC report indicated that both the U.S. and Russian governments were required to approve the pricing agreement before it became effective. The USEC report claims that, based on information from a company insider, the pricing "agreement will be approved just prior to the upcoming Bush-Putin Summit." Referring again to the pricing agreement, the USEC report states that "[a]ll it needs are the politicians to sign off on the deal" and "according to my source, that will happen-finally-on May 22nd."
27. Stansberry eventually identified Steven A. Wingfield as the insider who purportedly provided the inside information regarding the May 22nd signing date of the arms reduction treaty between U.S. and Russia. Steven A. Wingfield is USEC's Director of Investor Relations.
28. Stansberry claimed Wingfield told him the U.S. and Russian governments would approve the agreement between USEC and Tenex on May 22, 2002, the day before the start of the Bush-Putin Summit. Wingfield made no such statement to Stansberry.
29. Wingfield told Stansberry the same thing he told all analysts who called the investor relations department at USEC. Stansberry asked Wingfield about the pending approval of the USEC-Tenex contract by the U.S. and Russian governments. Wingfield responded to Stansberry, as he did to all analysts, by saying USEC "expected it would be approved in the near future."
30. Wingfield did not tell Stansberry, directly or indirectly, that the pricing agreement with Tenex would be approved by any governmental entity on May 22, 2002. No one at USEC knew when or if the pricing agreement would be approved.
31. Stansberry had no basis whatsoever for the claim in the USEC Report that the approval of the USEC-Tennex contract would occur on May 22, 2002.
32. The pricing agreement between USEC and Tennex was approved on June 19, 2002. On that date the Department of State and USEC separately announced approval of the pricing agreement by both the U.S. and Russian governments.
Market Activity in Response to Agora's False Information

33. From January 2, 2002, through May 13, 2002, trading volume in USEC common stock averaged approximately 189,000 shares a day at prices ranging from $5.78 to $7.37 a share.
34. From May 14 through May 23 volume averaged 3,340,138 shares a day with closing prices ranging from $7.85 a share on May 14 to a high of $9.98 a share on May 20. There was also a significant increase in the volume of options trading in USEC stock during this period.
35. On May 22, USEC failed to make the announcement promised by the Agora e-mails and the USEC report and that day the price of USEC stock fell from $9.54 to $8.20 a share, a drop of nearly 15%.
Agora's On-going Efforts to Disseminate False Information to the Investing Public

36. Agora promoted other securities in its newsletters. Even after Agora became aware of the Commission's investigation, its newsletters have continued to publish e-mails promoting numerous securities accompanied by fantastic claims of quick profits or inside information.
37. For example, Agora publications have touted stocks that it claims will double or triple in value over the next year. Other Agora publications claim to provide information that allows an investor to "turn $10,000 into $114,280 by April 18, 2003."
38. Agora continues to promise its subscribers, "Almost Unbelievable Profits - 4.5 Times Your Money in 48 Hours."
39. As recently as the first week in April 2003, Agora published articles making similar claims of exorbitant profits. In each instance, recipients of the e-mails are offered "free" copies of the headlined reports if they subscribe to one of the various Agora newsletters at a cost of from $69 to $1250 a year. The money-making investments featured in the reports are typically microcap issuers with cures for cancer or AIDS or a technological breakthrough. Some of the tips are characterized as being based on "secret" or "inside" information.

Violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. §78j(b),
And Rule 10b-5 thereunder, 17 C.F.R. § 10b-5

40. The Commission repeats and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs 1 through 42, as if fully set forth herein.
41. Defendants, by engaging in the conduct described above, directly or indirectly, in connection with the purchase or sale of securities, by the use of means or instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or of the mails, or of a facility of a national securities exchange, with scienter:
  1. employed devices, schemes or artifices to defraud;
  2. made untrue statements of material fact or omitted to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or
  3. engaged in acts, practices or courses of business which operated or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon other persons;
  4. in violation of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder.
42. By reason of the foregoing, defendants violated, and unless restrained and enjoined will continue to violate, Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78j(b), and Rule 10b-5, 17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff Commission respectfully requests that this Court:

Issue findings of fact and conclusions of law that Defendants committed the violations alleged herein.

Issue an Order Issue in a form consistent with Rule 65(d) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, permanently enjoining defendants Agora, Pirate and Stansberry, and their officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and accountants, and those persons in active concert or participation with any of them, who receive actual notice of the order by personal service or otherwise, and each of them, from engaging in the transactions, acts, practices and courses of business described herein, and from engaging in conduct of similar purport and object in violation of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder.

Enter an order that defendants Agora, Stansberry and Pirate, provide an accounting and disgorge their ill-gotten gains from the illegal conduct alleged in this Complaint and to pay prejudgment interest thereon.

Enter an Order that Defendants Agora, Stansberry and Pirate pay civil penalties pursuant to Section 20(d) of the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. § 77t(d), and Section 21(d) of the Exchange Act, 15 U.S.C. § 78u(d), for the violations alleged herein.

Retain jurisdiction of this action in accordance with the principles of equity and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in order to implement and carry out the terms of all orders and decrees that may be entered, or to entertain any suitable application or motion for additional relief within the jurisdiction of this Court.
DATED: November 14, 2003
Respectfully submitted
Securities and Exchange Commission
50 South Main Street, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84144
(801) 524-5796
(801) 524-3558 (fax)
Attorneys for the Plaintiff
Securities and Exhange Commission

Home | Previous PageModified: 12/05/2003
Without the help of Poney you can still tell it's bullshit... how you may ask? Because it looks like every single fucking shittily made video on the internet for scamming people. A video with no graphics, and a crappy voice over from some gay white piece of crap.
hate being suckered is all...............fucking tards.............couldnt say it better than Benassi did.................
Without the help of Poney you can still tell it's bullshit... how you may ask? Because it looks like every single fucking shittily made video on the internet for scamming people. A video with no graphics, and a crappy voice over from some gay white piece of crap.

true but i haven't seen primetime television commercials for most of those shitty videos. i've seen commercails for this thing like 10 times now this week during prime time on cable and basic cable channels,, thats alot of fucking money.. it cost norml like 20,000 for a one time airing commercal...

what are they even trying to scam us for?? i've never givin it the time of day just skipped it like the rest of you lol
I love that every post in this thread up to this point is completely void of experience.

Haters got to hate.

For not even giving the thing a chance I am not surprised you all have such colorful things to say about it. Because you are of course all knowing. Anything of value these days has to have at least $400,000 in CG and in 3-D.

Assholes. It's called reading. Crazy shit right? The dude wrote a script and put it in a youtube video to make it available. As far as the later investment advice it really has nothing to do with the message.

In short, the message is:
That due to the excessive printing of money by the US Treasury to pay debt we are going to flood the world economy of devalued dollars. Our collectors will devalue our dollar because they know we are just making the shit up (we are the only country in the world that can print the "World Standard" currency). Once we are no longer be the world standard for money MASSIVE inflation on the scale we have never seen before will occur. There are many of events leading up to this, including the cost of living increasing, but when it happens you can bet that at some point very soon the economy is going to take a very bad turn.

Investing in precious metals, silver, gold, nickel, and things like salt and steel and the Chinese yen.

The context fills in the blanks of how and why the economy will crash, presenting evidence of it happening in the past to former super-power Britain, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family (and your savings). Even if it is all hoopla, the advice of investing off shore right now is not an entirely bad idea and should seriously be considered. If you don't have a big savings to manage then it might be a good idea to stalk up on spam and toilet paper. Just in case...

I really hope you can be open minded when watching it. No one is cramming anything down your throat. Observe it and think for yourself. He isn't saying the whole world is going under. Just, there will be haves, and have-nots, and when the lights go out, and the police shut down, and the fire department and hospitals close... Because there is no money for it... things are going to implode. It will take years to dig out of the mess we are in the midst of.
50 years from now people will learn about our climb and fall.

I don't think your gas is going to start getting cheaper. When commodities go up, energy goes up, and the value of the dollar disappears overnight... eeeyah.... It is going to take some drastic action to fix another depression. Watch it and think for yourself for once. I know it is tough, but if you don't bother to watch it then understand your ignorant thoughts are devalued.

I'm hoping for zombies too...
yea guess thats why he is being sued and filed on by various federal courts and stuff ...................he has nothing I want to check out..........he is a con artest from word go and its DOCUMEnted.....................not saying the meat of the matter as you are talking about isnt real..........just dont like that idiot................maybe from anothe source would help......................
I love that every post in this thread up to this point is completely void of experience.

Haters got to hate.

blah blah blah

No, I think you're confused. At this point, you say, "Gosh RIU I apologize for posting this nonsense, I drank from the koolaide, and Im sorry. It wont happen again.", or something like that... or maybe something short and sweet, like, "Touche, well played sir"... but for the sake of all that is holy, don't defend the garbage you posted. It just makes you look silly.