take a look, just need some advice!


okay so i just have 2 plants on the go, the bigger one is a sativa i started from seed i cant tell if its male or female yet. The smaller one just doesnt seem to wana grow, these plants are about a month already i dont mind taking my time growing them but would be nice to get some tips from experienced growers to get these things on the go. I just started 24/7 light had them on a irregular scedule like 16/8. Soil used is a mix of black plant soil and something else.


I dont have the money to go buy all these lights and nutrients but i have all the basics, please tell me what you think! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I like to transplant when my plant is the same height as my container, until my plant gets into its final 5 gallon home. If your using cfls, they should be within an inch or two of your plant. The more info you post, and the more pics, the more help you'll get. grow that shit bro! As an experiment, I have taken a plant from beginning to end, using one cfl. Keep upgrading with every grow, and you will increase yield and a better product. pm me if I can help, cheers.


Active Member
Looks like not near enough light, and the light you do have isn't being reflected based on the wall colors I see. Soil needed some perlite for drainage and airating the soil. Check out the stickies in this "newbie" section to get you going better. And as said, the more info you can give, the better your answers will be.


Looks like not near enough light, and the light you do have isn't being reflected based on the wall colors I see. Soil needed some perlite for drainage and airating the soil. Check out the stickies in this "newbie" section to get you going better. And as said, the more info you can give, the better your answers will be.
i have the light about an inch or 2 from the plant, should i use tin foil or white around it i hear tinfoil will burn the leafs. And i have a bit of perlite in the soil right now, but i could add more.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about tin foil on the walls,or painting shit white, or using mylar. The benefits from such actions are negligible. Concentrate on, Light, Air, Nutrients, Soil


Active Member
When you grow with one light (which appears to be the case here),and one month old plants the size of sprouts, then any neglible difference will help. Bigbuds, deffinately try to get more lighting, and if you can't then reflecting light will help as it will make use of all available light you have. As said though, more light would be better. Still giving info based on limited input though.


Well-Known Member
When u transplant u might wanna check around for some diff soil mixtures, I forget the ratios on this but, my 1st time using it I ended up with about 4 plants each about 5ft. but some kinda organic soil is good neutral ph around 6.5-7 for soil, perlite, vermiculite, worm castings, and lime. U shouldn't need any ferts for the 1st 4-6 weeks.