Taco leaves?


Hey guys, so I have started having this curl to the lib haze and gsc on the sides of this pic, LSD is in the middle, temps are 74 and humidity 55-60
ppm 800 with hannah
ph 5.8

Any idea what this could be? Light is air cooled and about 18 inches from the LSD

but the thermometer at plant height says 74.. Please help!



Well-Known Member
I'd suggest looking into how much light they are receiving. Plants that are getting too much light will fold their leaves however they also tend to point upwards as though they are praying. Double and even triple check your Ph as well. It looks like Early signs of heat stress. This can also cause a cupping of the leaves as opposed to taco leaves. Try adding a fan at roughly canopy level to give them some more air flow. Your plants look very lush so I'm sure you'll figure it out in time. If it is heat stress and you add a fan you should notice a difference in 3-4 hours. Hope I was helpful. Take care.


Thank you so much for replying, you too Larry! I can't think of a way to fit a fan in there but I will try tomorrow in the morning. I'm using a 400 watt mh and have a 1000 watt hps waiting for flower, which I need to do once I figure this out.. I didn't think it would be heat stress since it's only 74 degrees, and dips to 71. But I will try a fan as I should have one anyway, also I water every 4 hours for 5 min in this ebb and flow.


Well-Known Member
Is your grow area closed off like in a box or closet? If so, what is the square/cubic footage. If you have a nice closed off grow area with reflective walls it is very possible that you're maintaining close to the full intensity of the MH. On a hot, mid-summer day the sun produces roughly 10,000 lumens per square foot on the ground. Aim at least for something like this. Your 400W MH is putting out around 36K lumens @ the lamp 18" above your plants. Light loses it's intensity by 50% every 12 inches away from it's source. so at 12" you're at 18k lumens and 6 inches later you're at 13.5k. Might I suggest raising your lights for 24 hours or so by 3-4 inches and see if you notice a difference? This will allow for increased air flow, lower heat and light around the canopy without having to add any bulky fans. At the very least it will offer your baby's a few hours of R&R. If you aren't sure adding a fan or raising your lights temporarily can save you a lot of hassle as opposed to jumping right in and adding stuff to your tank (ph adjuster etc). Keep in mind though that there are hundreds if not thousands of gardens using much higher light intensity with little to no problems. Like I said though your baby's are looking very healthy; green and juicy so they ought to bounce back no problem.


Well-Known Member
You might want to try sitting down and thinking of all the things you've done to the plant up until it started showing symptoms. Did you add any extra ferts recently (probably not what it is)? Did your house get really hot for a few days (potentially increasing the heat intensity of your mh). Did your power go out? If your baby was fine a week ago it's also possible that it has grown so much that it is filling in the space that would normally accommodate good airflow making your "air space" smaller and increasing the heat. Kind of like whe you have a freezer full of food and it works better. Insulation. :)


Hey! Just raised the light, it was closer to a foot from the tops haha.. We will see if it improves, my tent is 2.5x4.5 or something in feet, and about 7 feet tall, I'm worried about when I flip to flower now that the light is higher, since it's 1000w

maybe I could scrog more while they stretch?


Well-Known Member
The leaves that were damaged will try and fix themselves as much as they can. I would just veg a little longer until you notice the tips start growing correctly than flip.


Hey I got more pics guys.. Seems to be getting worse! But like I said ac canopy height is at 70-74 degrees and humidity currently 55 any ideas? I raised the light, ppm at 750, (but it's been happening since the beginning on the liberty haze and gsc, LSD seemed fine till I noticed some damage today and last night, but it's the only one not curling.

