t5 overheating?!?!


I have a 4x2 tent and used to have a 400w hid fixture in there. With my fan and ducting in place I could usually keep it around 78-82 degrees pretty steady. Now I have a t5 fixture, 6 bulbs, 4 ft. each, and now the heat gets jacked up massively when the tent is closed! It got to 90 degrees one time. I still have the fan hooked up, but it's actually outside the tent, so there's just ducting and my filter hanging up on the ceiling to suck out the air.

Is there anything that can be done to get the temps back down? 90 is prob too hot for my green babies. Would putting the fan inside the tent help? I also used to have a humidifier in the tent too when I used the hid, but figured that would prob be bad for the t5 bulbs as they aren't protected.


Well-Known Member
What kind of fan do you have? 4 or 6" One of those small inline propeller inside a tube fans (a booster?) or a real turbine fan?

Sounds like you're exceeding the capacity of your fan. If you have a 4", need a 6". Or, you need a booster fan to assist fresh air entering the tent (reduce the negative pressure).

I doubt you could exceed a 6" fan's capacity in that size tent.


It's a 6 in. fan, 435 cfm. Has a pretty good bit of negative pressure. But maybe it's possible to have too much? I could turn the fan speed down with my controller.


Well-Known Member
The temperature of the room might be a factor. I doubt its 90F in there but you cant get lower than the room itself.

T5' HO are normally in the 90's temp wise but can be easily cooled with low back pressure and a good fan with limited ducting.

The tent should have slight drag on it it should not bow in hard. When you pull it back it should very slowly return to its position, almost un-noticeable.

435 cfm is enough ,its also best when its pulling vs pushing. You are exhausting INTO your attic right?

Also yes, a fan or 4 inside will help move your babies leaves giving them a break from the direct heat.