T5 Lighting and New Borns


Thanks in advance, I have some new Blue Mystic AF which are
just breaking the ground and currently have the 4ft T5 CFL 4
feet above the buckets, how quickly can a begin the lowering
of the light? Also has anyone grown these nirvana AF, I've had
luck growing some mostly under LED, this is a new light.


Well-Known Member
I would think that 4 ft above the plant is way too high, your plants will stretch severly, lower your lights now. I keep mine 4 to 5 inchs above, watch them 'cause they will grow fast and touch the lamps.


But they are such babies, I think the lights should stay that high for a day or
so to let them get established.


Well-Known Member
Even my little baby seedlings I keep 4 to 5 inch, doesn't seem to harm them a bit.

Guerilla Gardener

Active Member
I started my seeds under my T5 4 foot , 4 bulb... I kept it at 2 feet and a week after they had their first set of true leaves, I dropped it to 16" over.


Well-Known Member
4ft is way to high to keep a t5 from canopy. Im with deetee 4" max from canopy. Right now I have mazar x great white shark, afghan kush, pineapple express, cheese, and white widow seedlings just forming there 4th node and there 2" from a 4ft 4bulb t5. Looking healthy as can be.

past times

Well-Known Member
yeah, you need those lights right on top of the plants. I keep mine within an inch most of the time.



You guys were right, several stretched a bit, made a slight mound around stem for support.

Lowered 4ft T5, currently 6 inches above plants, put a 2FT 110w T5 sideways which covered
most plants, and a sideways mounted 90w UFO to cover the other 2, I bet the UFO plants
turn out the best.

Anyways have 8 fem AF Blue Mystics growing, pix will follow, don't have the correct USB cable
to upload to computer at this time.