Switching soils???


Im about to switch to flower in a few weeks. I have had problems with my ladies and was wondering if it would be a good idea to totally repot and switch soil before I do this.

My thoughts were to switch to a better soil. But that would mean I have remove all the shit foil from the roots before moving to better soil.

Basically I would transplant but I would remove all the junk soil and somehow transplant the roots to a better soil.

How would I do this ??


Well-Known Member
Why is your soil crappy? Are you sure it's the soil? Other variables, pot size, temp, Ph, nutrients? Pics of the plant. Don't want to be doing things you don't need to do man. Could be as simple as a flush. Idk. You should see if you can fix the problem by other means first.


Well-Known Member
I have good experience with a repot a week or so before 12/12

no need to remove all the old soil, just wait until its dry and ready to water, then tip the pot around with a flat hand on the top soil and remove the old pot, shake the plant/soil and let all old loose soil fall off, then place it in the bigger pot you made ready with some fresh soil in the bottom and fill in the sides and water good til you see run off, make sure the new pot also have nice big drain holes in the bottom ..

I usealy start out in Cup`s, then repot at week 2-3 and Veg em in 3 gallon pot`s before I repot em in to ther final pot 5-7 gallon a week before I switch to 12/12