switching shit up


so i'm growing some plants in hydro using the technaflora recipe for success. i'm 3 weeks into budding but i am still yet to see crystal development or bud growth. i wanted to know if maybe i didn't put it into budding right seeing as all i did was change the like schedule to a 12/12. also if anyone knows if teechnafloras line of nutrients is good for crystal production or not.

Bayou bud

Active Member
You want to re-adjust your ratios when going from veg to flower, if you didn't already. Too much N can slow the plants flowering, or even accidentally revert. the transition to 12/12 should mainly be done with the lights. First two weeks of flower you probably wont see much besides green growth stretching. Then the next four weeks will start budding, followed by the swell for a few weeks, after that is THC maturation and the death pull. Don't worry until your into week 5-6 and have yet to see buds. Also Sativa or indica dom. Have you grown this straing before. Tell us all about the set up you are using too. Pics help best.


i'm using the super cube 2.0 it has a built in air cooled sodium bulb with a super ponics system and i have oxygen stones bubbling the roots. in the pictures theres a purple kush and 2 space dogs neither of which i've grown before. there all indica dominant though recently i had to shop down the space dawgs due to herming