switching from ebb and flow to DWC,need advise


Well-Known Member
Whats up!
I currently gro in an ebb and flow system,all parts purchased at home depot.God i love that store.I have been pretty successful at it but wanted to ease the process a little.I have read that DWC is supposed to be fairly easy.I want to try.
I have on hand :
1 mixing tub 36"x24"x8"
2 air strips 6"
1 small air pump
6 5" net pots
Floranova gro and bloom
under 400W HPS
Now i was thinking 1 air strip under every net pot.from what ive read you cant over do it on the oxygen.Will this be enough or should i purchase more?
As for my nutes, will they be enough for growing in a DWC?I dont know if there are different absorbtion rates on certain elements due to the roots being submerged.The plants are supposed to grow faster i.e. eating more food,I could be wrong but it only makes sense.and for my final conundrum(thats probably spelt totally fuckin wrong)Is it even worth the hassle?As i said before ive been pretty good at the ebb and flow got great results just want to see if i can improve.
Thanx guysbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Ok heres one more.In a DWC system couldnt you take a clone put it right into the basket and short of having to change the bulb, (mh-hps) Grow from cutting to harvest in one spot?
Thats not a very good question...............in a DWC could i get the clone to root in the pot its going to grow in,eliminating a clone chamber and light freeing up much needed space?


Well-Known Member
Now, what's your set-up? What are you putting the net baskets into??-->like a rubbermaid or something with holes cut in it?? What size net pots?? Why would you want an air strip beneath each site?? I mean you want bubbles everywhere, yes but, how many sites you gonna have?? Got a pic of what your doing?? Flood/drain, or dwc??? I 've always been led to believe that flood/drain was better than dwc......



Well-Known Member
Im currently doin an ebb and flow,and after setting up my DWC (just using my ebb and flow table with a few mod.), two days in i started seeing foam.So i did some research turns out not to be as easy as everyone makes DWC to be.My hydro store is over 1 hour away and really dont want to purchase a bunch of other shit (h202,clearex,etc).Ive got everything for my ebb and flow and am happy with it ,but hey thanks for trying to help anyway