switching 4in pots into 6in pots

Hi I'm growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent 600watt scrog 2-30gallon totes with 2 plants in each tote. I will take 6 cuttings at 2 weeks 12/12. Plan was to root and veg in a small tent with cfl with one small tote that Will hold all 6 clones. I will eventually keep the best 4 to transfer to 4x4 after harvest.
Now Questions???
And in advance I like to thank all who help and give advice.
I love to learn therefore I've learned to listen.

If I grow my clones out in 4in net pots while my other plants are budding,
How do I then transfer my 4in pots to the 6in bucket net pots when it's time to switch?
If I use 4in pots for the clones, would the 4in pots be big enough or adequate to transfer to a tote for the remainder of the grow or is it best to go 6 in pots?
I have plenty of 4 in net pots and 4 6in pots(2 in each tote)
What's the best way to procedure with this process?