Switched to flowering 12/12 and now my plants are drooping. Any help?


This is their 6th week from seed. They're in 80% ffof 20% coco coir. I heard that if you didn't wash your coco before you mixed it, you'd have salt build up.. I didn't wash.. :( I've semi flushed my plants two times since they've been growing. Anywhoo.. I switched over the 17th (two days ago). They go from 11am on to 11pm off. I switched from a 400w mh to a 400w hps. At 11am, they were good. I left, came back around 9pm and two of five of my plants were drooping with a few bottom leaves dying. I know it's not over or under watering. I water them at the same time and have only gotten a droopy plant when I flushed. I do the finger soil test and pick them up to gauge their weight. Even then, the droop is kind of different. The plant seems to condense like it's hugging itself when it drooped when I flushed. This time, it's more of the plant seems to be spreading out and just falling apart. Temps don't go pass 87f, humidity stays from 40-60. It only raises up to 60 when I water. I have two fans blowing on high all the time. I didn't fert before I switched. Today is my first time ferting. The only change I made before they started drooping was hps and 12/12. I've been trolling the forums and have seen a trend of this. As soon as someone switches to flowering, their plants droop. The weird thing is.. only two are doing it out of five. Any help?



Well-Known Member
Too much nutes I'm guessing. You have to be real careful with how much you feed them.


Well-Known Member
Straight water for a while and start nutes at 1/4 strength when they start to come around. What did you feed and how much?


Well-Known Member
no its not too much nutes.

The temps do get a little high, but i dont think thats the issue either.

id bump up the micro nutes, right now. and double and triple check pH. make sure its 6.5! start adding in more P and K, but dont stop N, let it taper off over the next month.

what is your pH? do ya know? that seems to me like underwatering actually, like the roots are not taking anything in, either from a salt build up (unlikely cuz your in soil, and early in the grow) or from pH toxicity (anywhere other then 6.5). the root tips burn, and stop sucking in moisture as a survival mechanism.

you dont mention what you feed either, other then the soil, what nutrients are you adding in?


no its not too much nutes.

The temps do get a little high, but i dont think thats the issue either.

id bump up the micro nutes, right now. and double and triple check pH. make sure its 6.5! start adding in more P and K, but dont stop N, let it taper off over the next month.

what is your pH? do ya know? that seems to me like underwatering actually, like the roots are not taking anything in, either from a salt build up (unlikely cuz your in soil, and early in the grow) or from pH toxicity (anywhere other then 6.5). the root tips burn, and stop sucking in moisture as a survival mechanism.

you dont mention what you feed either, other then the soil, what nutrients are you adding in?
Unfortunately I don't know their ph.. I keep getting real close to getting a ph meter but I keep hearing that the cheap ones are inaccurate and you'll screw over your plants if you depend on them. What are some accurate ones? I just gave them 1/2 strength general organics bio thrive, bio root, and camag. I was using distilled water but it was getting expensive.. I recently started using my tap water in gallon jugs that I let sit out for 3-4 days.. I water every 3-5 days.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately I don't know their ph.. I keep getting real close to getting a ph meter but I keep hearing that the cheap ones are inaccurate and you'll screw over your plants if you depend on them. What are some accurate ones? I just gave them 1/2 strength general organics bio thrive, bio root, and camag. I was using distilled water but it was getting expensive.. I recently started using my tap water in gallon jugs that I let sit out for 3-4 days.. I water every 3-5 days.

so dont get a cheap electronic one. get the old school vial + eyedropper set up from any petstore. you cant grow pot and not know pH