Switched from technaflora to GH having issues


Well-Known Member
I had a mother and clones started in technaflora nutes in a DWC and was running out when I wanted to veg them so I thought I would switch to GH 3 part and give that a try but they don't seem to like it. Im having problems with the lower leaves. Im thinking it might be a calcium and or magnesium deficiency. Has anyone else had this problem with GH and does it look like a cal mag problem or something else?


Well-Known Member
IMO- Phosphorus deficiency, I have never seen a plant that dark purple from a (P) Def.
All your variables are in range? pH, nutrient temp, nutrient ppm.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that makes sense. I think it was getting locked out at the top end. Was in the high sixes when I checked it yesterday so I lowered it and it was 6.4 when I checked today. I've got it down to 5.8 now.

I had 5 tsp each of veg, micro and bloom in about 20-25 gallons. The bottle said one of each per a gallon for light veg. I wanted to start out light. It came out to 200 ppm which was working with the technaflora, so it probably was locked out. I added another 5 of each and its up to 300 ppm.


Well-Known Member

Some pics taken today. They are looking better. I think they will turn around. I just need to quit being so stingy with the PH down.


Do you add a little calmag to it? I would and get ppm up to 150 before adding nutes. That should be about 3ml./gallon.