Swift Boat 2.0


Well-Known Member
Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund
The partisan agenda:

  • Launch false attacks on the President over the operation that killed Osama bin Laden
  • Falsely claim President Obama is deliberately leaking national security information
The operatives:

  • OPSEC president Scott Taylor is a failed Republican candidate who lost his campaigns for public office in 2008 and 2010.
  • Spokesman Chad Kolton worked as a spokesman for the Bush administration, the Republican National Committee, and House Speaker John Boehner. Another spokesman Fred Rustmann appeared on Fox News during the Bush administration to—ironically—downplay the significance of leaks about CIA operative Valerie Plame’s undercover status, claiming it wasn’t “a big deal.” This serious breach of national security later led to four felony convictions for Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff.
  • OPSEC member Bill Cowan actually praised President Obama for making “the tough decision” to “go after bin Laden instead of taking the easy way out” before he joined a group attacking the President for that operation.
Special Operations Speaks
The partisan agenda:

  • Falsely claim President Obama is deliberately leaking national security information
The operatives:

  • Founder Larry Bailey created the Vietnam Veterans for Truth in 2004, an organization that helped generate the Swift Boat attacks on Sen. John Kerry in 2004. In 2006, he launched the Vets for the Truth PAC using the same tactics to target Democratic Rep. John Murtha.
Veterans for a Strong America
The partisan agenda:

  • Launch false attacks on the President over the operation that killed Osama bin Laden
The operatives:

  • Executive Director Joe Arends worked on both the Bush and McCain presidential campaigns and ran an unsuccessful campaign as a Republican candidate for office in Iowa. He had previously served as Executive Director of Vets for Freedom, an attack group bankrolled by former Bush Administration officials that was closely tied to members of John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.
Special Operations for America
The partisan agenda:

  • Launch false attacks on the President over the operation that killed Osama bin Laden
The operatives:

  • Montana’s conservative state senator Ryan Zinke founded the Super PAC, which has stated it is dedicated to “advocating for the election of Mitt Romney and like-minded candidates,” and has partnered with Veterans for a Strong America and its leader Joel Arends. Advisory board member Paul Vallely is also a member of Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund.
They are changing their tactics just a bit here though

Remember it must be a group of military folks, one or more must change his story. The difference here is that it is a video rather than a book - Seems better, quicker and easier for the masses than actually picking up a book. Of course sections of the book were simply lifted and sent via viral e-mail.

The big question is who is funding it and how much are the operatives getting paid. Could it be Bob Perry? One can only wonder.
The group claims to have raised almost $1 million between June and mid-August 2012.[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] Because it claims that its primary purpose is to further the common good, the group doesn't have to disclose who is funding it to the public
The group claims to have raised almost $1 million between June and mid-August 2012.[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] Because it claims that its primary purpose is to further the common good, the group doesn't have to disclose who is funding it to the public

Yeah, there is lots of common good in smearing a sitting president three months from his bid for reelection - no politics here, thank you very much.

I wonder how Beenthere will register this developement.
Assuming you guys are right, you think it will work? It looks pretty powerful, I can imagine this playing very well and draining resources to fight it.

If it's fabricated outrage like the Fluke thing, this is really gross using Seals like this. I'm going to hold out judgement until I learn more. I hope you guys aren't offended I'm not taking your opinions as fact until Buck agrees with you:-P

I think it plays well though, it's going to be a thorn for sure.
Assuming you guys are right, you think it will work? It looks pretty powerful, I can imagine this playing very well and draining resources to fight it.

If it's fabricated outrage like the Fluke thing, this is really gross using Seals like this. I'm going to hold out judgement until I learn more. I hope you guys aren't offended I'm not taking your opinions as fact until Buck agrees with you:-P

I think it plays well though, it's going to be a thorn for sure.

So you approve?

What about Voter suppression?

You approve of that as well?
Assuming you guys are right, you think it will work? It looks pretty powerful, I can imagine this playing very well and draining resources to fight it.

If it's fabricated outrage like the Fluke thing, this is really gross using Seals like this. I'm going to hold out judgement until I learn more. I hope you guys aren't offended I'm not taking your opinions as fact until Buck agrees with you:-P

I think it plays well though, it's going to be a thorn for sure.

I am not offended, what Ches and I are doing though is predicting. Should this go down the way we are now claiming, will you being to believe that it is the same thing all over again and that perhaps Republicans have little real interest in what is good for the country and every interest in gaining power through any means necessary?

Yes, I think it will work, not as well because there isn't as much detail and there isn't the cool story of men at war in a distant past where one man's recollection can be pitted against another. I also think that Obama's team will be quicker to see it for what it is and deal with it. What it may do is take the onus off of Romney's tax returns.
Gin, Ches has a point? How are you with the voter surpression?

I'm sorry man, I've answered that question 10 times in various threads so I blew over his post.

I think if we are going to require an ID to vote, the first ID should be paid by the state. I know you guys think there is no such thing as voter fraud because they haven't caught that many but I hold the act of voting sacred and it's integrity to be protected as much as possible. I've been riding motorcycles for 30 years and have never landed on my head but I still wear a helmet.

I also think the pubs are very aware that people too lazy to get IDs would vote dem, we are ALL aware of that. I don't feel for those people who have such little regard for our right to vote, fuck em, they shouldn't vote anyway. I do feel for the people who can't afford it, we should provide one for them for free. Those people would most likely vote dem too and the pubs are dirty for not providing one. This is where organizations like ACORN need to show their use.
I'm sorry man, I've answered that question 10 times in various threads so I blew over his post.

I think if we are going to require an ID to vote, the first ID should be paid by the state. I know you guys think there is no such thing as voter fraud because they haven't caught that many but I hold the act of voting sacred and it's integrity to be protected as much as possible. I've been riding motorcycles for 30 years and have never landed on my head but I still wear a helmet.

I also think the pubs are very aware that people too lazy to get IDs would vote dem, we are ALL aware of that. I don't feel for those people who have such little regard for our right to vote, fuck em, they shouldn't vote anyway. I do feel for the people who can't afford it, we should provide one for them for free.

Of course you dont support voter suppression........right?

hey they gonna pay for the birth certificate and the court costs of changing my grandmothers certificate in texas from boy to girl?

What happened to ACORN anyways? Did some Political party attack them out of existance? Why?
Voter suppression to me represents not allowing people to vote. Making people jump through hoops to vote means little to me because I had to jump through those hoops myself. Because it's worth it to me.

Acorn is fine man, don't worry about them. There is a vast network of community organizations in this country with different names but operating under the same umbrella. They need to get to work combating what is obviously an advantage to the pubs.

It is comical to me that during the dem primaries where people had to show ID not a squeak was heard from you guys. It leads me to think there was no point in fighting for the right to cheat against each other.
I wonder how many don't vote who could, percentage wise.

I think it's around half the voting age people don't vote. I've heard some good arguments to not bother voting (some of them here on RIU) but people used to ride for days on a wagon for the right to vote. I respect that. I think it's something we should put some effort into, those that can't be bothered I'd rather they not help decide important elections anyway.