sweet tooth first week flowering cfls

first time tryin this let me know how it looks so far, dont really have anything to bse it on. sweet tooth first week of flowering under a 200 w 40 w and 2 23 w this is day 5 and 7


heres day 9 , im watering like a gallon every 3 days nuts every other time think its 1-5-4 or something , still easing her onto them. such a small area im having some temp issues though its normally in high 70s -high 80s but eveyr so often it creeps into 90's but not every for very long.


Really man thats a beauty, with beginner skills like that I would look into some hardcore LST next time around maybe pull some clones as soon as she lets you know shes a she! Keep posting I'm sub'd.
ya for first time i just wanted to keep it simple ya know no clones or LST or anything too serious. as for sex i got feminized seeds, i didnt wanna do a bunch of work for nothing. is it too late for LST??
ya for first time i just wanted to keep it simple ya know no clones or LST or anything too serious. as for sex i got feminized seeds, i didnt wanna do a bunch of work for nothing. is it too late for LST??
I believe so, not 100% on that. I'm in the beginning of my first now so any advice is coming from people who have been advising me! But With that one I would trim all the bottom you can and focus on that one massive cola, remember shes still gonna double in size!
It's usually recommended to do before flower but I've seen it done during early flower with no problems as long as you only hit whats not any use to the plant, anything hiding beneath the lower branches should be fine, but just in case I would get a second opinion, seeing as how I just stressed the shit outa my babies I would hate to help do damage to someone else's pride and joy!


Well-Known Member
You can trim the lower branches that aren't receiving any light this will help the plant focus on producing buds on the plants that recieve good lighting. Its a little late for LST though. If you wanna maximize your yield without fear of damaging your plants next grow try LST/and or Scrog. Having a plant that is wider than tall with an even canopy is really ideal to get the most bang for your buck especially with CFL's.
Looks good so far.


Active Member
nice plants! im subb'd i wanna see how they finish!

i got some sweetooth seeds in my collection. i want to grow them outdoors. anyone know if this strain does well outdoors? eastern Canada.