Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .


Active Member
After seeing the site a few months ago decided to do a low watt cfl so that I`d have something to contribute for the winter . Started my plants with a 26 watt 4000k coolwhite cfl and then after two weeks added 36 watts of flurotube same spectrum until about 5 weeks . Then Started flowering added 3 more desklamps with white reflectors on them and replaced the 26 watt 4000k bulb . So now have four very low wattage cfls two 18 watt 2700 k lamps and two daylight or full spectrum 6500 k 23 watt lamps , so 82 watts of cfl not ideal spectrum to have for flowering and 36 watt of coolwhite tube fluro .

In a two foot square cabniet . Staying in a small place so got the cabniet under a desk in a small cab with just a box fan pumping air in .

Grew 3 Seedlings topped one at day 28 ,but it turned out male ,topped the other two at week 5 and both were female . Killed one when i dropped the t-8 or t-12 unit on it so was left with only one female under 118 watts of light .

Haven`t got equipment to measure the humidity or soil PH or anything and only given the plant bonemeal ,some organic compost and some molasses in pre flowering. Any sugggestions on what could be sourced at a localnursery to feed this pure Sativa strain indoors , it`s similar to Thai .

Got Some Indica Bagseed going atleast now aswell didn`t have these seeds at start of grow also I wanted to try the local strain indoors . But with my space it was dumb and was lazy with lst`ing as i didnt have any screws or clips . Now a 1,5 ft plant with most of it`s budsites tied down .
Will get a Hps next winter but these cfl`s are great to learn with also what is anyone`s opinion one of these http://cfl-growlight.com/store/2000-watt-mixed-spectrum-cfl-grow-light-unit-p-19.html (Impressed with the 228 Us Dollar price It converts too about 2000 bucks for me ,the hps is 2599 bucks with ballast and reflector if I source it locally) also avalible in flowering spectrum and 4000 watt system vs a 1000 watt Hps with Digital ballast .

First indoor grow pretty ghetto with desklamps and wrong strain for space (noob decision ) but keen on upgrading so it`ll do for now and where I`m staying on a plot with two other small houses on it moving soon though will be able to make a much larger cab and start growing outdoors again .

Pics are from 12 days from seed seen with white plate those are the swazi`s then some pics at 28 days and then bud pics are around day 60 and day 70 the other seedlings are from other grower`s the one looks very indica so hopefully have better luck with it . Peace from South Africa Great SITE.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Welome to RIU, we all had to start somewhere.See if you even like to grow before investing alot of money.Bunch dont and end up wasting there hard to earn money. Not hard to tell the Sativa from the Indica wish i had that thai strain.


Active Member
Thank you think Nirvana`s full moon is a type of Thai strain they developed should order some,Thai weed has same chemical structure as these Southern Africa Sativa`s . Definately want to continue growing it`s the best will eventually buy some quality beans from Nirvana or Attitude and get all the required ventilation ,some Hid lights , Carbon scrubber , hygrometer ,nutes , adequate space and all the other things required . Done two summers of outdoors with these pure Sativa`s so gunna order some quality Indica beans and crossbread them with the local strains and develop some very nice hybrids oneday .


Active Member
So this nice budding plant is the swazi? Always wanted to see what swazi looks like when its grown indoors! I have 1 growing indoors aswell now, about 45 days old and 50cm high, but growing under sunlight through a big window getting sun from sunrise to about 5 so its doing good!no idea when flowering will start with this tho?? I read it might start in september? Mine in my grow cab is "greenhouse", not exactly sure what that is but that's what they call it here, been getting that lately, havnt had swazi in months, that used to be the main strain we got here


Active Member
Ah nevermind, saw now what you said about the indica. My swazi looks very similar to yours, little smaller but then again yours is older so its should be bigger. 1 have 3 going in one big paint bucket, my FIRST ever grow before the 1 in my journal, even before reading any sites or anything haha


Active Member
What city you near by swazi is abundant . I just been getting skunk lately im in EL just been getting seeded skunk one or afghani so i`ve started it now 2 of them have hairs already to replace the swaz after it`s done . My weakest swaz plant survived and is in budding but it gunna taste nice starting to smell of pine and fruity . The one getting sunlight should just start flowering automatically since it`s getting less than 12 hours of light because we in winter now or you could be right and it`ll start flowering in september when it`s spring the start of the season and the sun starts rising earlier . You should update you`re grow journal with a pick of the windowsill plant :) .


Active Member
I'm near CPT, here swazi is sold for about R20 - R30 a bankie, greenhouse that I'm growing is solf for around R30 a bankie but its much smaller than the swaz bankie. In the swazi bankie you get a bunch of seeds so the smoke is shit, not very potent, this "greenhouse" is good, nice high, but changes to a stoned high after about 1-1.5 hours. If you are willing to spend some cash you can get cheese here for about R100 a half gram..damn they are scaley! But we buy from dealers in the coulered area..around here you don't really find legit growers so getting something like northern lights and so on is hard, but sometimes you get lucky.

I'm hoping they will be done soon as I'm not sure if they are female, coz they get sunlight but my lights go on and off as I enter and exit my room so they might turn hermie right? I will add pics tomorrow, too high, too tired, too lazy right now haha


Active Member
Oh is it from there by elsie`s those dudes are pretty sketchy and prices suck . I`m from Cpt too and moving there in November again we must hook up lol I`ve got like over 300 of these skunk bagseed some are realy nice indica phenotype so i`ll hook you up with them whem i get there later this year if you want xD .


Active Member
Haha no I'm in the helderberg area! Somerset west, GB, strand! Coolcool where will you be based then? If you check my plant #1, its growing extremely low and bushing out nicely, hope that's a female aswell, #2 got more hairs at more nodes, she just proved that she is not a male! No male parts yet so it doesn't look like she is actually a hermie! Coolcool yeah that would be cool, they say they give us skunk here aswell instead of swazi but they talking shit, it looks, smells and smokes exactly the same as always


Active Member
I dunno yet probably northern suburbs near cpt but could get out there easily . If you ever go to Cpt they have a hydrostore there called windell you can google it also its in Observatory you can get basically anything there you need so if you ever in that area check it out (turbo grow for r20 a kilo its volcanic ash owns : ) . Yeh i get it from someone who sells swaz also so when i get both the two are clearly distingusible and you can check out how they flower after the swaz is done . Other two small ones wth major sterch were grown with an 11 watt 4000 k haha . Yeh people call swazi skunk allot we`ll just have to see when the others flower if they are real deal but the bud the seeds from is strong with a couchlock like that cheese not as potent but got so many seeds from it nice to make some crosses with at some stage .


Active Member
Oky awe might do that, I found a cool gardening store near my work so will check them out and see what they offer me! Yeah would like to see the dif between the 2! Would also like to see when mine flowers how dif it would look from yours! Got all my stuff today, photobucket is not responding so I will update when I get the chance, or if I do! The cheese we get is a nice high tho..makes me very energetic, swazi makes me super couch locked! Haha


Active Member
Awe for me the indoor makes me sleepy and swazi gives a cerebral up high . The pic of the seeds are of that bagseed i`m growing seems to produce sativa and indica looking seedlings so it must be a hybrid . The last pic of the seeds if of a swazi seed (the darker one ) next too the presumed skunk seed . First pic after the spray bottle is one of those seeds looks kinda sativa though and is going into flowering .

Took pic of nitrosol the oraganic fert i`m using can someone tell me if it`s an okay fert to use from the pic of it`s label .Thanks :) . I See it`s realy high in nitrogen which is bad right :) ? . Currently running 56 watts of 2700k 23 watts of 6500 and about 50 watts of coolwhite 4000k , took one 23 watt full spectrum out because bud was getting too leafy . Any suggestions or tips welcome .


Active Member
Dude you don`t need photobucket to add pics just scroll over the image pic ^^^ up here next in the bar where you post your replies , it`s next to the little icon with the earth and the red cross :) .


Active Member
Nice the plants are looking pretty good! I got nitrosol today aswell, olso found a guy who uses it and it works great! I'm currently running 190 watts of cfl and the plants are doing better by the day! For my small space I think this is where I will stop, electricity wise and heat and so I don't want anymore troubles! I know I can add it there but I like photobucket and I keep my pics together, still not working, I'm on my phone but RIU is working, just not PB!! I checked out sannies seeds last night, will order a few fem seeds from them in my next grow or the 1 after that


Active Member
Yeh same here will get some from there soon also . Yoh! 190 watts nice upgrade you`re gunna own me in that space its like 90 watts per plant should do well . Okay awesome so the nitrosol must work fine then seems alot of growers use it . Can`t wait till yours start budding you should get the lst done but its pruned so won`t get too large . This swazi still got another 4 weeks to go still has alot of fan leaves and buds need to swell and their hairs to invert into the bud . Want to get one of those microscopes to check the colour of the trichomes . Peace dude the indica mix from sannies looks awesome i`d go for that feminized , i wanna get regular seeds because wanna breed then with some of our landraces .


Active Member
Yeah in my space that should be enough! How long does it take before I should start seeing some flowering going on?? The nitrosol I got was about R115 but its the 500 ml one, only one I could get! I have magnifying glasses at work that I can borrow to check! I want to see how much you get of your cfl's! How much dry bud do you think I will get from my setup?

I will get seeds when I have the cash to spend on it , hopefully within my next 2 grows! I'm going to do all the lst and everything tomorrow and hopefully hopefully be able to add pics, with lst done and new setup!


Active Member
I updated now, photobucket is working again haha

Here's the swazi plants I was talking about. They are I think exactly 47 days old. 3 plants in that bucket, the tallest about 50cm, then about 40cm and then about 25-30cm!

The window they get the sun from