Swampwaters Perpetual Grow - Newbie learning the ropes


Well-Known Member
Welcometo my new journal. So much has changed that it is easier to start over. I amnew to this so any comments and or advice are welcome and appreciated. Istarted in February of this year with the plan to run a perpetual medical grow.My first run was from some bag seeds I germinated only to test my equipmentprior to receiving my good genetics. I germinated seven seeds, threw out onemale, and scrapped two because of health issues. From the four I took to bloomone phino stood out as exceptional. My wife likes it so well we have cloned itand it is now called “Kirby’s #1”. Other strains in my garden are: White Magoo(white widow X blue magoo), Purple Kush, Alaskan Thunder Fuck, Cascade Wonder,and University of Washington. I have Blue Dot as well but I do not plan tocontinue with it. I am working a trade to replace it with a Raspberry Kush thatgets frosty like a mother#@*!r.
Mygrow room has changed as well. It is a 10 x 14 insulated room inside of aninsulated building. I veg with T-5’s and am currently running two 600 watt HPSfor bloom, I am planning on adding another T-5 (red spectrum) to my bloom areafor the first and last of the cycle. My original plan was two HPS lights forbloom in a 3 x 6 dark room alternating my crops to harvest every 4-5 weeks. Ihave since scrapped the 3x6 and made the bloom area big enough to add the T-5and be able to move around in there with them for watering and such, now I shouldbe able to harvest every 3 weeks or so. I also have green light in the bloomarea now so I can go in there whenever to work. This has also allowed me to putthe A/C and dehumidifier in there as well allowing for the veg area to maintaina higher temp and level of humidity which the girls are loving.
Originallymy plan was to grow in dirt and use nutes from the old days (now known asJacks). Fuck that! The issues I experienced periodically can only be attributedto the time release crap in the dirt. I made it through and even finished mysecond crop with pretty good results but it was a pain. So in the process ofpulling away from the cheap ass dirt I am currently trying three new mediums. Ihave some in a 100% organic product made here in Oregon. B.U.D. (Better UrbanDirt) I am giving coco a try and I have even set up a hydro system as well. At thispoint they all are producing good results but that organic soil is very carefree, just add water. The rumor is that the only thing people who are using itadd is a little sweetener in bloom; sounds too easy. (I put a small plant with nutrientissues from the cheap dirt in some. Two weeks and she is thriving. All I didwas add water@ 6.5 ph.
Here are some pics of the bag seed plants.
Theyfinished pretty good although, the taste was not what I had hoped.
Iended up molding a bunch when curing; I’m smarter now. (after a thorough dryingI baked them for a while to make sure all the mold was dead then a quick washwith alcohol through a 120 micron filter, evaporate the majority of the alcoholaway then let it sit for a day or so and the resulting concentrate is dry andsticky, it chips and flakes off of the Pyrex and is easy to work with.
Iam trying different growing methods as well as the varied use of growingmediums. This is my first SCROG that just finished. I think the genetics makeup for the largest difference in quality of this second harvest. The quality isbetter but my OZ. per square foot yield is down.
The strain is White Magoo(WW x B. Magoo).
Thisfirst one was in the cheap ass dirt. Her daughter is in the B.U.D. organic soiland the same style pot with a redesigned scrog frame that is portable and willallow for a second level of netting (I will use a nylon product with 6x6 mesh)

Iam also trying a SOG with some of my Cascade Wonder in coco. I gave them a veryshort time for veg but the shit grows like a weed. LOL Two weeks and they were over 18 inches offthe dirt and that is with topping to keep a uniform height and clones.

TheHydro project is an experiment for me. I give credit for the design to the FlowaMasta; as nobody around here wanted to let me follow his design, guess what. Upand running it is for the most part care free but mixing enough nutes so thepump and res function properly is more expensive than hand feeding. I do likethe advantage of how quickly you can see change or take corrective action ifthere is a problem. Dirt provided a buffer, unfortunately it was a two waystreet; corrective actions are “buffered” as well. For now I’m liking the cocothe best economically at least. Although, if the B.U.D. soil performs wellthrough bloom the organic factor could sway my decision for the future. I thinkthe B.U.D. could save on nutes as well, $17.00 a bag, no nutes, sounds cheap.
I should really figure out a way to post more often; poore time management I guess. Anyway, I have made a few changes. I have added a T-5 (4' 8 tube) red spectrum light to my blooming area. My thinking here is that it allows me to step up the frequancy of my harvest wothout the extra expenses associated with another HPS ballast, reflector, and bulb; not to mention the differance in heat. The Sun Leavs T-5 only set me back $214.00 I will rotate my plants through, weeks one and two under the T-5. Weeks three through eighgt under the HPS, and finifh the last week back under the T-5 (a bonus is that I get to see my buds under a light that shows more the natural color than the HPS).
My next Magoo hybred scrog is coming along nicely. After I attached the new frame to the pot I set the whole thing in a lazy suzen for a corner kitchen cabinet. It acts like a drip tray and will rotate 360 degrees for training and pruning when pulled out from the wall (works nice, the bitch is heavey). I have also put a second screen in place and have room for a third if needed. This one is 100% organic. Many of her branches are still tied down in this pic, the first screen will be full when I cut them loos.
Another project is my hydro experiment (I'm a dirt guy). Inspired by the Flowamasta I have copied his system to a degree. I put a big ass pot in an even bigger tub that was used to store my daughters Softbsll bats, drilled a hole in the bottom set the other inside hooked up a 270 GPH pump and away we go. She is doing prety good (forgot to take a pic) I have been giving her nutes from General Hydroponics but recently fell in to a Cyco Platinum Pro Kit free of charge. So tonight I will start to give her the Cyco nutes. The plant is a clone of my wifes fav. phino from my bag seed grow; we call it "Kerbys #1" it stood out from the other four because of its mellow high and mild taste (she seems to have strong genetics as well). Here is a pic from the 19th. She is much bigger and under a scrog now, she is ready for bloom any day now.
More later I gotta clean the garage
Here are some pics from my blooming area. There is some White Magoo, one of my K-1, Blue Dot, and several of my Cascade Wonder. under the T-5 is a K-1 finishing uo and a Pirple Kush I just put in.
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Sone frosty buds and I just decided to put the UVB bulbs back in. the K-1 finishing has no whare near the chrystal formation of my first run.
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This is the K-1 finishing under the T-5 (red). She went nine weeks under the HPS and now is at ten weeks. She was not given MOAB, nor did she get UVB light other than that it was all the same.
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Here is my first run at eight and a half weeks. She was given MOAB in weeks six and seven then flushed for two weeks. Unfortunatly I brought it in the house to dry and my wife put some moldy old flowers from the garden in there with them. Guess what; oh well it made some killer concentrate. I baked it at a lowheat for a while to kill all the mold (keep ion mind I found the majority of the mold with a microscope) then did a very quick wash with 99% alcohol. Not to bad. There is a little of it in this pic, it's sticky and crumbley at the same time my wife says it makes me to stupid when I smoke it though.
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I have decided that I realy like a fifteen gallon pot min. the plants I have grown in the five gallon pots just do not stack up with the others. So when I decided to flower my Pirple Kush mother plant that I have in a five gal. Smart Pot I simply put a bag of the B.U.D. soil in a fifteen gal. Smart Pot and well....... check it out
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Here is my next White Magoo SCROG and from what I have observed with the K-1 she will be getting the UVB lights. Nutes will be experimental as the dirt is 100% organic and hot so I will have to watch hes closely to see where I can push her. I hit her mother hard with MOAB and had good results.
Last week I picked up a platnium pack of Cyco nutes that the guy at my grow shop did not like with his system. He gave it to me at no charge as it had been a store sample, so far I like it with my ststem I will see how it goes for me. Thanks and credit for the designe and nutriant info go to FlowaMasta.
She has no real MAIN stalk, it is all coverd in roots and burried in that perlite--she is a FIMMED top I cut for a clone to experament. I chopped a teen plant in half; I figured WTF only one way to learn what I can do.

Bud Porn
Six weeks in to flower. I need to try this one in a hydro scrog with UVB. this one is in coco and had NO UVB-- those who know can just imagine.
I started keeping a seed bank as well. I figure if there is some catastrophic power outage or whatever I'm only four months away from a nice harvest and garden.
I am glad I started taking notes and keeping feeding schedules from the start as this is getting deep.
Thee mediums: Organic dirt, Coco, and Hydro
Plants in three stages of veg and plants in four stages of bloom
That totals up to six seperate batches of nutes each week.
Anybody...... is it normal for one phino to go longer than others of the same strain? This one has gone 10 weeks. The others I grew were pulled around 53 - 54 days, they showed amber and this one is not. Here she is:70 days pluss?????????
I have also put the UVB CFLs back in. I have one of these that is two weeks farther along so I figure....... WTF how frosty can I make her?
This is 5 weeks
Well, the Indica plant #3 has completed Ten weeks and showing no amber (I wonder if it is the light? T-5) but she looks killer. My issues with cloning have been a real pisser. My first batch worked really well (I was anal following my notes). After that I think I got cocky because I killed like over fifty clones, I was only able to save a few. In fact I lost a strain (Blue Dot) by killing all of her clones after I sent the mother to bloom. However, I have gone back to my notes, done some studying and come up with a replacement for the superthrive (can't get it in Oregon). after a week or so with just 5.5 water I mixed some Cyco B1, Potash, and some of the rooting compound I use (Wood's rooting) in the cloner to stimulate rooting (it worked). After about five days roots started to show and I added Supernatural "Ultimate Thrive" at half strength. Things are looking mutch better this time. Also, I bumped into an artical about stem scraping so I thought WTF WHY NOT! so I give some of the clones a little scrape here and there. SHIT! whear I scrape I get clusters of roots, check it out.
Each strain responds differently to cloning. Some root better than others (check out the ATF) I credit scraping for thetight groopings of roots. I try to scrape at several points to establish roots on all sides of the stem. I have also added some cuttings late after the "Ultimate Thrive" to see if there is a differance by starting with the nutes rather than plain water. Like I said "Learning the ropes". (These were cut two weeks ago)
GREAT JOB MAN, PERPETUAL IS SOOO FUN... I love having all the diffrent timing of things going on, spring,summer,fall,winter everyday at my house... lol for

for Learning the ropes. you seen to be swingin by them already.. im at work so i cant read everything, but im subbd and ill read more when i get home
Hey there Swampwater, You have a well thought out grow room there mate. Looks quite productive and very busy! I like the cutting pics, I scrape my cutting as well, to expose the cambium layer. I have just never seen the results as they go straight into rockwool. Nice work:bigjoint:
Thank you and Yea, it's fun. I have clones going, Two week olds, Five week olds, teens, a monster scrog that goes to bloom in two weeks, plants in bloom at Two, SIx, Eight, and Ten weeks. We have all stages of life. I love change.
Thanks, check out these new pics. the first were at 10:00 AM I just left the grow room after 3:00 AM (long night four hours) and look how the roots have grown; thats seventeen hours of growth.
Here is the Organic White Magoo, she is going to bloom in like Ten days.
This is my 2nd SCROG. In my first I learned the importance of removing everything below the canopy. I stuck with the chicken wire for the first screen and added a 2nd that will support the buds. A third can be added if needed.

My only concern is that when I bloomed her mother I used MOAB in weeks six and seven and this one is organic; I have seen the differance. MOAB rocks but I want to keep this one organic. Research, I got a few weeks to figure it out.
Recent pic of Cascade Wonder at 5 1/2 weeks. This stuff is so tuff and far ahead of others of the same age that when I made a mistake while feeding they just acted like no big deal (I gave them a full dose of MOAB at three weeks...OOOOPS!!). They are getting the UVB now to increase the THC.
This is some of the White Magoo from my 2nd harvest in the first two pics and the results of plant #3 from the original bag seed plants I first Germinated in Feb.



Its all gennetics, these two were grown the same and the magoo is sooooooooooooo much better. I wish I could improve the bag seed stuff. The plant I used for my hydro experiment is a clone from plant #1 maybe hydro will bring out something special in her.

tonight I'll put the two University of Washington teens in to big pots for bloom next month, I'll post pics later.
Organic pest control in progress on one of the University of Washington. I started these two from seed. I hope they show sex soon. I just moved them to large pots in preperation for bloom.
next is a couple of the two scrog plants I have going. The hydro plant is kicking ass on the organic dirt plant but she is a lanky bitch. She will need two more screens and a good pruning. I think the White Magoo (dirt plant) will go to bloom first.
Love this one. She is a PK clone I have manicured from before I cut her as a clone. This strail is dense and the nodes are too close together. This one has been topped, fimed, and thinned out by removing every second node. I,ll post more from bloom later; wife has a honey-doo list for me.:peace:
A few pics of whats going on in bloom. The first is my Cascade Wonder at seven weeks. I'm back to throwing everything them I can, UVB light, MOAB, and high levels at feeding. last night I gave these nutes with MOAB at 1650 ppm and they love it. The buds are swelling like crazy. Although, they will get only water from here on out.
This is a bud on the White Magoo I threw in to fill a hole in the room 6 weeks ago. She looks good for not getting any special nutes.
Purple Kush, mmmmmmmmmmmmm
And last but not least are these three. (left to right) A Blue Dot, Cascade Wonder, and Kerby's #1. I harvested the Cascade Wonder yesterday, about 16 hours after this pic was taken. I was actually impressed with what I harvested. The colas were much larger than I had thought, but she still did not do as well as the ones from the first photo. They are looking to be very nice:weed:


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I recently moved the big scrog to bloom so the veg area is nice and open, I only have six in veg right now.
But some of these will be ready for bloom in as little as five weeks.
A couple of weeks ago I picked up a mini fridge for the room. I like the cold soda already and other uses will come I am sure.
Here are a couple from bloom this AM. There is Blue Dot, Cascade Wonder, Purple Kush, and White Magoo (scrog).
Damn dude i envy your organization, i cant even remember when i flipped my lights :-P and the mini fridge is crucial, got the seeds, clonex, and kombucha loaded up in myne. btw YOUR PLANTS LOOK AMAZING!