Swamp cooler....


Well-Known Member
The conversation of whether the swamp cooler works has been buzzin a bit. A few people were looking into them as cheaper alternative to running an air conditioner..... Here is what i have come up with....

I am in my second to last week of flowering and had around 20-30% humidity and my temp was 95 lights 85 dark typically. Stunted as hell and I was already pulling 500cmf at least through a cooltube on a 600 watt bulb in a 5X5X5

The swamp cooler I bought has a 5 gallon reservoir and relinquishes my need for an oscillating fan, as it oscillates.... The humidity in my room is now 50% and usually no more, and is now 79 low 89 high. For me this is perfect, as I am on the cusp of being too hot and the plant is already doing better. I would say if your humidity could come up a bit and you need around 5 degrees, this machine is perfect...
AF-320 NewAir Swamp Cooler - FREE GROUND SHIPPING!

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Well-Known Member
I'll say again....The humidity in my room is now between 35 and 50%. As per every single text I have ever read on growing, I believe the top you want in flowering is 60% and the lowest is around 40. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this