Survived Tropical Storm Nicholas


....looks not too worse for the wear, although it was a minimal Cat 1 upon landfall by the time it got to me 50 miles inland we had 40-45 mph winds and 3" of rain - two twigs seem to be all that got damaged, so i trimmed them off - they were some wimpy inside twigs with just a few small flowers so no harm done and i get some free weed to smoke. most of it has some tomato cags placed here and there for support and LST and that seems to have don the trick, all the other stems had something to prevent them from being over-bent, even the heavier buds.

so we have had 38" of rain since moving outdoors, that was 152 days ago, or 5 months. thats 7.6"/month, when we usually get an average of 4" a month pretty much evenly throughout the year on average. and it is still on drip, though i turn it off when we have several days of rains likely.. good draining soil is a pleasure to have.IMG_2324.jpg



Well-Known Member
Happy to see you all survived. I’ve been watching that storm wow, lots of rain down there. Hang in!