

Active Member
Opened my grow cabinet this morning after hittin' the hay at 2AM to find a cute little lady bug relaxing on one of my little babies!
I came back an hour later and apparently she brought a friend to hang out with lol.
I have no idea how they got in there considering my garage was all locked up and its pretty much 50-60 degrees outside of the cabinet but I don't mind. I guess the HPS has created an ideal temperature for them. Cute little buggers.


Well-Known Member
lady bugs are great.

You need to get a meter to hook up to your plants so you can stick a dime in and the plant vibrates,

get em in the mood for love so they can breed and eat all your other pests.


Active Member
Having a super orgy in my cabinet sound pretty sweet NGT. The two of them are just relaxing on my plants as the oscillating fan shakes them up every couple of seconds, makes me awfully happy for some reason:joint:


Active Member
Aw squigggs thats depressing haha.

Not yet crazy-mental because I just moved the Cabinet down to the garage out of my room last night.
They're assembling their own army to fight the decent amount of bugs already in the garage.