Surplus of unsold cannabis may lead to industry-wide writedowns: BMO


Well-Known Member
:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump: hearing about WHY this BEYOND FUNNY ..these idiots have no fucking clue...........".ohhh no specific numbers" figures BWWHAHAHAHA

simple shit foolls ITS ALL SHIT!
CANT SELL SHIT butt ya can try..see where its gets ya .,..

and the idiots are actually talking about CONCENRATED POSION BEING DESTROYED!!

A glut of unsold pot stuck in Canadian licensed cannabis producer vaults may wind up being worthless, and could lead to industry-wide writedowns, according to analysts from BMO Capital Markets.

BMO Capital Markets cannabis analysts Tamy Chen and Peter Sklar highlighted the growing amount of "unfinished inventory" since recreational marijuana was legalized in October in a note to clients Wednesday.

As of March there were more than 150,000 kilograms of unfinished inventory – defined by regulators as cannabis that is not packaged, labelled or ready for sale – held by Canadian pot companies, according to the most recent Health Canada figures. That's up from about 101,000 kilograms on Oct. 17, 2018, the first day of legalization.

"What remains unclear is why the planting of recently licensed grow rooms has not been meaningfully offset by the conversion of prior months' unfinished inventory into finished products for sale to provincial distributors given the apparent supply shortage in retail channels," the analysts wrote.

The BMO analysts said that while some producers have acknowledged that some of its unsold inventory has been earmarked to be converted into cannabis extracts – which can be used for Canada’s upcoming sale of edibles, topicals and vape products – a sizeable amount may fall short of quality requirements for recreational sales.

"If some of the dated 'unfinished inventory' is ultimately determined to not be extraction-grade, then there would be a need for inventory writedowns," the analysts wrote, adding it was difficult to quantify how much of that cannabis would be affected by writedowns.

Since cannabis was legalized in October, the Canadian legal pot market has been hampered by product shortages, processing and packaging bottlenecks, a mixed retail rollout, and a still-thriving illicit market.

While several analysts previously concluded that the current inventory buildup is likely due to producers ensuring there is an adequate supply of cannabis edibles available for sale later this year, a Statistics Canada statistician recently told BNN Bloomberg it was “inconclusive” to make that determination.

Investors will get a closer look at whether product writedowns are happening when Canopy Growth Corp. reports fourth-quarter results on Friday.
While several analysts previously concluded that the current inventory buildup is likely due to producers ensuring there is an adequate supply of cannabis edibles available for sale later this year, a Statistics Canada statistician recently told BNN Bloomberg it was “inconclusive” to make that determination.

Huh? So there's a huge shortage out there, and you're sitting on a huge stockpile, you could sell it ALL for a premium during the shortage, but no, you're gonna hang on to it, along with all the other producers, to use in the edibles market, which is unproven, and apparently, will see no shortages since everyone is stockpiling for that eventuality...

Yep, must be run by idiots... no wonder they're losing money....
Sure is a lot of double talk in that mess.
Bottom line deciphered is...." Nobody is buying their crap "
Plus what they grow is garbage.
We all knew and know that..hahahahahahahahaha...fuck them real hard where it hurts.
The bank accounts.
they will be told that what they have on stash is GARBAGE and has to BE TOSSED and their are BANKS wanting NEW NUMBERS MINUS THE POISON SHIT THEY HAVE ON STASH..
9 bucks a gram for shit that is useless is worthless.. lol
like it should ..:idea::blsmoke::hump::weed:(::P
Huh? So there's a huge shortage out there, and you're sitting on a huge stockpile, you could sell it ALL for a premium during the shortage, but no, you're gonna hang on to it, along with all the other producers, to use in the edibles market, which is unproven, and apparently, will see no shortages since everyone is stockpiling for that eventuality...

Yep, must be run by idiots... no wonder they're losing money....
not quite

they will run into huge fines and legal Acton from poisoning people...theyve known this and they also know WE AINT BUYIN IT OR WILL WE..
So shit that wont sell is shit that wont sell..
what a concept We've been screaming for years now..

but its nice to finally see them.... GET THEIR DUE JUSTICE
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hahahahahahha 150 tons of unusable schwaggs....and we helped.......hahahahahahahahaha
fuck you trudy and litton and the whole stinkin gang....suck it you scum bags shit wads.
We fuckin told you so..and you gonna fail even worse coming up...and we gonna help that too.
up in smoke...

they should do a remake...
Starring trudy groper as Cheech and Druggie Ferd as Chong.....together again for the first time.
Maybe the premise could be that they live in a mansion built of bricks of tweed schwagg mud bricks in the bridal Path area of Toronto.
They could be selling it at all the public schools in the area and get busted by hippies doing the right thing. Then they are ass raped by large-ish men in bad moods. In the lube-less prison they built to hold all the BM dealers.
Then the hippies could have sex with all the beautiful woman they find in Canada.
And get Tim's cards that don't run out.
The End.