Sure could use a little help, lol..

IMG_0227[1].jpgIMG_0229[1].jpgIMG_0230[1].jpgIMG_0231[1].jpgIMG_0232[1].jpgIMG_0233[1].jpgIMG_0234[1].jpgIMG_0235[1].jpgIMG_0237[1].jpgIMG_0236[1].jpgThank you for taking the time to assist me in any way. Well about 4/19 i had some nice healthy sprouts, full outside op. by the way. Anyhow everything has been going smooth, first transplant went perfect, just no problems. Well a couple days ago, i went and gave it my weekly dose of food supply, as well as put in another nute tab. my total n-p-k is approx 28/34/20... 13/4/5 of which is tab released, the remaining water fed. The following night/morning we got slammed with a nice little storm, i have been trying to keep an eye on the weather...but you know some times we slip up. Anyhow....not sure if storm even had an effect, could have been a nute issue....almost positive, ill post a couple pics, theres 5 babies out there, ill show 2 pics of each. Any tips, or pointers is much appreciated. Also i beleive i got a few bites from some sort of a pest, so that is in the process of repair, you might see the holes in a few leaves in the pics. They are 20-23 days since sprout.



Well-Known Member
they look mostly fine. possible being eaten by bugs. also could be getting too much moisture - not enough time to dry out a bit
Great, thank you very much...working on the pest control but other than that...I built basically an open green house earlier...should help void any future unexpected storms again. Thanks again.