Where's the supercropping?
What do you mean bend each at their strong point? I don't get it. You can bend them wherever you want.Supercropped all plants but one lost a cola. Make sure you bend each plant at their own strong point, it’s more important than making a perfectly even canopy outdoors!
You grow cannabis and don't know what a cola is?What do you mean cola?
What do you mean cola?
I’ll send more pics. So the cola or Kola are your main bud/ flower points. Since I’m doing a winter harvest, the plants aren’t getting the intense direct silent that a summer harvest would give you…because of this, my plants were stretching for the sun and they only had one main bus on the top with other smaller popcorn buds underneath. If you supercrop by at first, lightly pinching the main stem all the way up to (usually the middle) where the strongest, thickest part of the main cola is…you pinch and wiggle the main stem till it bends in a 45 degree angle. DO NOT crack or injure the outer stem wall, the point is to bend not break. This will put stress on the plant and it will go through a week or so of healing stage where it will become fatter, juicier and you will have more bud tips reaching for the sun. If you bend too much, it’s manageable with a little tape or bandage around the stem for support. Mine became more dense and more frosty after a week and a half. Now I have more colas growing just like the single one before this process. Hope this helps.What do you mean bend each at their strong point? I don't get it. You can bend them wherever you want.
I did it because I’m outdoors and don’t have to worry about room and this way I don’t lose the top, I just train it to make way for the others buds to grow. They were not bushy enough to net, it would have just been the main cola sticking up and shading the entire plant.I don't know if I would feel comfortable doing this to my plants, why don't you just net them, or top them more to Bush them out? Topping works wonders for my little chest high grow room
Grow bibles on Amazon. Buy em. Read em. Education is key.What do you mean cola?
With some of my strains, I had to feel around for the toughest part in the middle of the stem. I bent one over that was not strong enough and the plant focused it’s healing on the bottom stronger half and let the top just die off, so I just cut it and bandaged it and smoked the ever living shite out of the part that didn’t make it.What do you mean bend each at their strong point? I don't get it. You can bend them wherever you want.
Ya, I know how to supercrop. I just was confused about you saying to do it at the strongest point. I do it wherever I want the bend. Thanks though.I’ll send more pics. So the cola or Kola are your main bud/ flower points. Since I’m doing a winter harvest, the plants aren’t getting the intense direct silent that a summer harvest would give you…because of this, my plants were stretching for the sun and they only had one main bus on the top with other smaller popcorn buds underneath. If you supercrop by at first, lightly pinching the main stem all the way up to (usually the middle) where the strongest, thickest part of the main cola is…you pinch and wiggle the main stem till it bends in a 45 degree angle. DO NOT crack or injure the outer stem wall, the point is to bend not break. This will put stress on the plant and it will go through a week or so of healing stage where it will become fatter, juicier and you will have more bud tips reaching for the sun. If you bend too much, it’s manageable with a little tape or bandage around the stem for support. Mine became more dense and more frosty after a week and a half. Now I have more colas growing just like the single one before this process. Hope this helps.❤
Different daylight/sunlight. You can only grow outdoor in the winter in certain locations. You want ideally 12/12 sun/darkness for the plant to grow buds. You won’t have gigantic plants like in the summer where it’s warmer and has 16/8 and then harvest in the fall at 12/12 but some strains like winter temps.Can you elaborate on winter harvest and summer harvest……..
I'm looking at the photos posted and I'm lost. What was the point of super cropping in flower outdoors? They were small to start with and now they will continue to be small.I’ll send more pics. So the cola or Kola are your main bud/ flower points. Since I’m doing a winter harvest, the plants aren’t getting the intense direct silent that a summer harvest would give you…because of this, my plants were stretching for the sun and they only had one main bus on the top with other smaller popcorn buds underneath. If you supercrop by at first, lightly pinching the main stem all the way up to (usually the middle) where the strongest, thickest part of the main cola is…you pinch and wiggle the main stem till it bends in a 45 degree angle. DO NOT crack or injure the outer stem wall, the point is to bend not break. This will put stress on the plant and it will go through a week or so of healing stage where it will become fatter, juicier and you will have more bud tips reaching for the sun. If you bend too much, it’s manageable with a little tape or bandage around the stem for support. Mine became more dense and more frosty after a week and a half. Now I have more colas growing just like the single one before this process. Hope this helps.❤