SuperCropping Question

Ok, so I read the supercropping thread but didn't see the answer to my question, since no one has been on that thread in nearly a month, I thought I'd start my own.

What time of day is best to supercrop? When the light first comes on, after it goes off, in the middle of the cycle? My ladies are on 18/6 right now (just switched to the HPS and light cycle from 24/0 with a floro less than a week ago) with a 600w HPS light and already starting to show some pre-flowers..thus the reason for my question because I need to do this before they flower.



Well-Known Member
ive done it morning and right before dark. i never noticed any different in patterns. but it didnt answer if its better during what time. i just know either works


Well-Known Member
I always did it before the sun went down (no particular reason, just picked a time of day.) The next morning, they were standing right back up and ready to grow their new stuff.


I think this will really be a personal question, a lot of us have a routine of exactly when we go into the room and what we do on what night. I do everything in my room within an hour of the light turning on, just because that is when i am gardening.