Super Soil Reciper Help - Worm Castings Idea


I just converted from hydro, <3 <3 <3 Subcool and all of the organic dank lovers out there!

So, I am limited on time and wanted to get my Super Soil mixed and activated ASAP. Well, the worm castings were a week later in arriving than the rest and I'm wondering if any experienced Super Soil gurus could recommend a good course of action.

If I understand worm castings correctly, they don't need activation and many people use worm castings right out of the bag with great success. So, can I just mix this in with my roots (top half of the 7 gallon pots) during the final transplant, or should I just mix this into the entire super soil batch when I go to give it a stir in a couple of weeks. Would I want to get it in there sooner than a couple of weeks?

Hopefully I didn't miss this in my search for the answer, thank you in advance for your time. :)

After a week I already have a decent amount of soil web. Good, no? I thought it was something that appeared much later.



Active Member
put the castings in there asap. a large portion of your soils microbial life comes from the castings, and the microbial life is what does all the "activating".
