Super soil questions


Hi everyone im seeking answers and advice to a few questions about super soil

I have done one grow in the past, my first grow in Whittney Farms Organic soil and it was great.

But someone said I should use that as a base and make my own supersoil.

I know the point of a super soil is to have organic ingredients to feed the plant throughout its life cycle, but is it easier just to add nutrients to your medium as it needs it, to keep from mixing your soil incorrectly and frying anything you plant in it?

Also is it true not to plant seedlings directly into a super soil mix? That they should be transplanted once they start vegging?

And if I do make a super soil I will Definitely use the Whitney farms organic as the base, so how will I know what all I should add and how much of it?


Active Member
Think of it like this, your plants are hungry and they want a specific nute with a good soil you won't need to add the nutes because they'll already be readily available for the plants intake.
Now over time and depending on the pot size, plant size ect you'll have to re amend the soil because your plant will always be up taking what your soil has to offer and will soon deplete certain nutrients faster than other.
Seedlings don't have a good rooting system for the blast of all the nutes in a super soil, if planted in it chances are you'll nuke the thing.
It's better to add it in after its grown 3-5 nodes and when it has a more developed root mass.

There are plenty of videos on the tube for you to check out, it all depends on what you want in the end.
Organic, non-organic, no till ect tons of options for soil it all depends on which you choose to use


Well-Known Member
Supersoil is easier overall, and if done well is great. But answering your question...yes adding nutrients isnt better or easier but it does give you direct control. That is why (i think) many advanced growers leave soil and supersoils for higher levels of control and influence (i.e. force feeding).