Super Skunk and MYstery Bag Seeds


Growing In A Small Closet Space With Fox Farm Nutes(big bloom and liquid bloom) gettin tiger bloom later. Im growing 4 plants under two cfls each of a different spectrum(red & blue). But Im germinating snd sprounting the seed with the vegative cfl. FIRST GROWN ANY TIPS WELCOME THANKS

I already germinated my seeds and they already sprouted so its day two uploading pics soon


Active Member
looks like a good start, make sure to poke holes in those dixies and dont worry too much about nutes for a few more weeks.
If heat is not an issue and you have good airflow around the plants you could put those cfl's right up on the plants to prevent stretching (within 2-3" from top of plant)
Also what are the specs of you cfls? Wattage?Color temp?
Keep the soil moist until you get a few good leaves and then lighten up on the watering a bit. I'm a fan of Superthrive it can be purchased @ walmart for about $10 and will supplement the roots with b12 to get a good system going fast.