super nooobs first grow


hey guys,

so decided on finally giving it a go after reading a lot of info.

sprouted on the 5th of may but had a heap of light deprevation until the 11th until i bought a proper light.

they are both sitting under a single 130w 6500k CFL and a small 23w CFL.

lpease ignore the maccas cup haha thats all i had to start of with. will be tranplanting in a few days..

day 10--



day 12---

so i have decided to lay the 130w CLF on its side to improve the light source, so they both arnt fighting over a small area.

both girls have been re-potted into larger pots.

how does the set-up look atm. does it look adequate enough to last there veg cycle.




Active Member
You deffo need another light, get rid of the 23w cfl and get another 130watt cfl so you got 1 130w for each plant when you come to re-pot again the plants will be further apart thus getting less light each, But so far looks good but there getting to the stage where they want all the light they can get.


Day 13

look good this morning. they have made noticable growth over night which im happy about.

gave them a quick spray this morning. when should i start running 1/4 nutes through them do you think.




also judging by the photos, when should be a good time to top both the plants. should i leave it another week or another few days or what?



Active Member
Week 3 is about average but its obviously depends on plants size so on your 3rd week post another pic and we can tell you if there ready for sum nutes, at the moe there not, The 1st pic of the 2 plants the plant on the right looks like it wants a 180' turn coz its in the shade a bit, as regards to topping wat till the 4th / 5th node make sure you read up on topping and thats deffo the way you wanna go, check out other options too like fimming, weigh up the options, (+rep) good luck


Active Member
No probs, got any other probs or jus want sum advice give me a shout and ill see if i can help you out, (+rep wudnt go a miss either lol)


here are some pics from day 15.

i just bought a temp gauge and realised they they were sitting under over 90F so i have put some more ventilation in there and brought it back down to around 81F.

i think i have to get another 6400k CFL. they are starting to get big enough to want more light.

how do they look. any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.




wow looking unreal, how dense is your little girl.

did u figure out what was happening to the bottom leaves. nute burn or from the foil or what.

are yours under equivalant 200w or actual 200w CFL's.



Well-Known Member
WOW, a noob that acutally did most of his homework before posting. AWESOME MAN.

Way to go dude, im here for you if you need any help.

PM me.


cheers mate, im currently at uni and if growiing marijuana was a uni course, the amount of time i spend on this site reading up about it all, i would be getting HD's all round hahaha.

cheers for the support mate.

im positive now is day 16, that they are two different strains.
