Super NOOB with alot of questions !HELP!

Hey All!

I am very new to the grow scene. Although i have many hours of online research under my belt (but who of us doesnt), I am lacking in much experience, but i am very much in love with not only plants, but Marijuana (the texture, the look, the smell, ect.). I am very eager to learn and be successful in this area, and not many others, so i am asking for the experienced' assistance.

To be honest i wasnt up to buy any special strain seeds, because of the difficulty of growing and the expenses and risk. So i simply saved some bag seeds from some of the best middies i could find, and started germination.

The germination went well, and got me very excited, so i planted six plants in six seperate plastic cups, but 3 of them were lost due to water damage (my assistant neglected to cut holes in the bottom of the cup.. it rained.. go figure) so now i have 3 babies that are about 3 weeks old, and i am praying they will produce me some reward for my effort. and praying to god they arent a majority of males

At about 3 weeks, the plants are only roughly 6 inches tall, with about 6 leaves each, which to my knowledge sounds quite small for their age.

I figured they were not getting enough sunlight, due to tall trees, so i moved them to a field
(it is a guerilla grow, although close to home and in an area with almost no human activity, i am trying to keep them discrete as possible JIC)

i havent used any extra fertilizers or pesticides yet, but i know this is something that will ave to be done soon

Basically i am simply treating them like i would every other plant, watering and checking on them every 2-3 days (depending on weather) but all seems to simple, i suppose i just dont have the patience, but i want to know what i can do, with little to no expenses, to make my plants as large and beautiful as possible

also, i would like to know when they should be planted in the ground, and if i should mix the type of soil (potting soil) in which they are in with the natural dirt, or simply dig a hole and fill it with potting soil

all help and replies are appreciated, and i hope to hear from the best of you soon