Super Noob Exhaust Question


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I'm going to be growing in a 2' x 2' x 8' closet and I know what size and type of exhaust to get except I have one question: where do most people exhaust to? Really I'm just pulling the air in the closet through a carbon scrubber for smell and I figured I could use basic oscillating fans to keep things cool (only using a 110 watt T5 fluorescent setup). Is there any need for me to run the output of the exhaust out of the closet? Thanks all.



Well-Known Member
small micro grows seem to vent their exhaust out into the surrounding room. in my small closet type grow i am venting up into the attic and in my new closet grow space i will be venting up and out through an old unused chimney.

the exhaust needs to leave your closet though, either way... as well as the intake needs to come from outside the closet... not only is exhaust an oder control method, but it is air exchange for the plants... bad gas out, good gas in.

think of it like this... if you were stuck in that closet all your life, would you went a vent bringing fresh air in and a vent pulling old air out?


Well-Known Member
Best thing about closets is they have some space at the bottom, so technically no intake HOLE is needed.

But it is best to make a exhaust at the top, out of the box.

One way to do this is Open the closet door about a 1 foot and make a plywood wall to fill the gap and cut a hole for the exhaust to vent out the front of the closet.

The second is to Literally cut through the cealing (if possible) to vent out the roof.

Pull the air throught the carbon filter, through the fan and out the the top.


Well-Known Member
Can you explain the plywood method a little more?

Are there any ways to exhaust without cutting holes in the house?


Well-Known Member
I assume it is a closet that has sliding doors, not a open close door

Although rethinking it, go buy a cheap door, unmount the one already in place and you can cut into your new one and abuse it as much as you want.

They really arent that expensive.

Or replace one of the doors with a sheet of plywood.


Well-Known Member
only reason i can think of to shut off fresh air flow to the grow is when cO2 is being added... maybe if it was getting too cool, but i think i would leave it run and do something else to make it warm enough...